29-03-10, 17:44
سلام من این جا انواع پچ وارکرفت رو می زارم.
این پچ جدید 1.24d_to_1.24e (Only the registered members can see the link)
اینم پچ full (Only the registered members can see the link)
این پچ full 1.24d (Only the registered members can see the link)
اینم پچ full 1.24c (Only the registered members can see the link)
دارم بقیه اش هم پیدا می کنم
این پچ جدید 1.24d_to_1.24e (Only the registered members can see the link)
اینم پچ full (Only the registered members can see the link)
این پچ full 1.24d (Only the registered members can see the link)
اینم پچ full 1.24c (Only the registered members can see the link)
دارم بقیه اش هم پیدا می کنم