مشاهده نسخه کامل : 1,5 میلیون دلار برنده شدم...!!!! به نظر اساتید درسته؟؟؟

24-12-08, 17:09
سلام به همه دوستان...

می دونم من خودم هرکی به من می گفت می گفتم کشکه! کلاه برداریه... ولی خودم به یه مورد بر خوردم که تا آلان درست از آب دراومده...

کوتاه می کنم!
یه E-mail اومد واسم که "MICROSOFT WINDOWS AWARD"

منم e-mail زدم که چرا؟؟ چی شده؟؟ اگه راست می گی چه جوری پولو می تونم بگیرم؟؟؟:1. (27):

بعد 3-4 روز جواب اومد که

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your e-mail, and to confirm the validity of the winning notification which you received from the Microsoft Annual Award Promo. Be informed that your winning digit code have been verified, and you have been approved to receive the sum of $1,500,000.00 Dollars (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars), as the new winner of the last email award promo draw.

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid Bank wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category. Be informed that this lottery promotion was conducted through the worldwide Internet web, the participants and winners where picked randomly through a computer ballot system and so you have been picked as one of the lucky winners having registered your yahoo id as a user of Microsoft and our bank has been mandated to remit the winning sum of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to you .

Be informed that presently all prices are domiciled in the Automated Suspense Account (A S A). This is to enable the bank and the organisers of this program to monitor the transfers of funds to beneficiaries to avoid double claim or mix up on the transfer of funds.
To begin your claaims, you are to open a non-resident account with our bank so that your funds can be transferred from our automated suspense account into your bank account with us, and subsequently your funds will be further transfered to any designated bank account of your choice. Meanwhile, your award funds will remain with us and in the Automated Suspense Account of (ASA) pending on when a non-resident account is opened for the transfer of funds to you. However, these measures are standard financial regulations by the European Central Bank (E.C.B) since the commencement of the global fight against terrorism and the enactment of the new anti-money laundry acts. This is also in line with the European law guiding all financial institutions in an attempt to curb unlawful tempering of funds.

خلاصه کنم که انگار email من توسط microsoft قرعه کشی شده منم برنده شدم!!!

حالا به اینا کار نداریم... یه فرم ایجاد اکانت بانکی هم ضمیمه بود از LA CAIXA BANK MADRID BANK

به هر حال واسه رو کم کنی هم که شده بود پر کردم فرستادم همراه با کپی گواهی نامه!! پاسپورت ندارم...

بازم بعد از 2 روز جواب اومد که

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category.
According to the Spanish law act 13\26 section 7 of 1999 constitution guiding international transfers which says that funds well over the sum of €200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Euros) must attract a legalisation fee of 0.1% of the total value.

You are hereby adviced to pay the Legalisation Fee of $920.00, for onward transfer of your winning price of $1,5000,000.00. Fee must be paid from your Iranian private bank Only to our Bank office in SPAIN before or on the 22nd of Dec 2008..

یه شماره حساب هم داده گفته هزینه ترنسفر رو واریز کنید و رسید رو فاکس کنید به یه شماره ای...


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355
IBAN NUMBER: ES10 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355

Send payment slip information to the following contact as soon as possible for the opening of your account in your name with our paying bank via Fax: +34-911-817-341

به هر حال من جدی نگرفتم ولی تا اینجا که درست بوده! این هزینه ترنسفر هم می دونم که هست ولی چه طور می شه مطمئن شد...؟؟؟

در ضمن دوستان من متن کامل رو نذاشتم نکاتی که فکر کردم مهم بود رو گذاشتم... email های آخر هر کدوم 1 صفحه بود... اگه احتیاج بود می ذارم...

در کل اگر راهنمایی کنین چه طور می شه مطمئن شد راسته یا کلاهبرداریه ممنون می شم...:11():

اینم شات فرم بانکی که فرستاده بودن...

Only the registered members can see the link (Only the registered members can see the link)

با سپاس... :1. (21):

24-12-08, 17:15
Olesius (Only the registered members can see the link) عزیز شما چجوری وقتی تو هیچ مسابقه ای شرکت نکردی و پولی هم ندادی برنده شدی؟
این همش دروغ محض است و نباید گوش کرد.:1. (26):
این E-Mail واسه منم اومده ولی من سریع رو Spam کلیک کردم تو هم این کار رو کن :1. (23):

24-12-08, 17:24
Olesius (Only the registered members can see the link) عزیز شما چجوری وقتی تو هیچ مسابقه ای شرکت نکردی و پولی هم ندادی برنده شدی؟
این همش دروغ محض است و نباید گوش کرد.:1. (26):
این E-Mail واسه منم اومده ولی من سریع رو Spam کلیک کردم تو هم این کار رو کن :1. (23):

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid Bank wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category. Be informed that this lottery promotion was conducted through the worldwide Internet web, the participants and winners where picked randomly through a computer ballot system and so you have been picked as one of the lucky winners having registered your yahoo id as a user of Microsoft and our bank has been mandated to remit the winning sum of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to you .

قبول دارم واسه من بی شمار از این برنده شدن ها اومده ولی هیچ کدوم مثله این نبوده...

تا دوستان چه نظری بدن...

سپاس...:1. (21):

24-12-08, 17:25
یک مورد میگم چک کن ایمل رو از سرور یاهو میفرستن اگر ماکروسافت هست چرا ایمیلش از طرف ماکروسافت نیست برای من هم همچنین موردی آمد بود و من پی گیر شدم بعد یک نامه زدم ماکروسافت و پی گیر شدم اونها هم تکذیب کردن

شما پول رو که بریزید تمومه چون خارج هم هست نمیتونید پی گیر بشید :wink:

من یک سوال پرسیدم دیدم دیگه نامه رو ادامه ندادن اونم این بود آیا ماکروسافت انقدر بد بخته که نیازمند هزینه جابه جایی باشه :1. (38): برای من 560 دلار بود

در کل گول نخور :yes:

24-12-08, 17:25
سلام به همه دوستان...

می دونم من خودم هرکی به من می گفت می گفتم کشکه! کلاه برداریه... ولی خودم به یه مورد بر خوردم که تا آلان درست از آب دراومده...

کوتاه می کنم!
یه E-mail اومد واسم که "MICROSOFT WINDOWS AWARD"

منم e-mail زدم که چرا؟؟ چی شده؟؟ اگه راست می گی چه جوری پولو می تونم بگیرم؟؟؟:1. (27):

بعد 3-4 روز جواب اومد که

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your e-mail, and to confirm the validity of the winning notification which you received from the Microsoft Annual Award Promo. Be informed that your winning digit code have been verified, and you have been approved to receive the sum of $1,500,000.00 Dollars (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars), as the new winner of the last email award promo draw.

Be informed that presently all prices are domiciled in the Automated Suspense Account (A S A). This is to enable the bank and the organisers of this program to monitor the transfers of funds to beneficiaries to avoid double claim or mix up on the transfer of funds.
To begin your claaims, you are to open a non-resident account with our bank so that your funds can be transferred from our automated suspense account into your bank account with us, and subsequently your funds will be further transfered to any designated bank account of your choice. Meanwhile, your award funds will remain with us and in the Automated Suspense Account of (ASA) pending on when a non-resident account is opened for the transfer of funds to you. However, these measures are standard financial regulations by the European Central Bank (E.C.B) since the commencement of the global fight against terrorism and the enactment of the new anti-money laundry acts. This is also in line with the European law guiding all financial institutions in an attempt to curb unlawful tempering of funds.

خلاصه کنم که انگار email من توسط microsoft قرعه کشی شده منم برنده شدم!!!

حالا به اینا کار نداریم... یه فرم ایجاد اکانت بانکی هم ضمیمه بود از LA CAIXA BANK MADRID BANK

به هر حال واسه رو کم کنی هم که شده بود پر کردم فرستادم همراه با کپی گواهی نامه!! پاسپورت ندارم...

بازم بعد از 2 روز جواب اومد که

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category.
According to the Spanish law act 13\26 section 7 of 1999 constitution guiding international transfers which says that funds well over the sum of €200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Euros) must attract a legalisation fee of 0.1% of the total value.

You are hereby adviced to pay the Legalisation Fee of $920.00, for onward transfer of your winning price of $1,5000,000.00. Fee must be paid from your Iranian private bank Only to our Bank office in SPAIN before or on the 22nd of Dec 2008..

یه شماره حساب هم داده گفته هزینه ترنسفر رو واریز کنید و رسید رو فاکس کنید به یه شماره ای...


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355
IBAN NUMBER: ES10 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355

Send payment slip information to the following contact as soon as possible for the opening of your account in your name with our paying bank via Fax: +34-911-817-341

به هر حال من جدی نگرفتم ولی تا اینجا که درست بوده! این هزینه ترنسفر هم می دونم که هست ولی چه طور می شه مطمئن شد...؟؟؟

در ضمن دوستان من متن کامل رو نذاشتم نکاتی که فکر کردم مهم بود رو گذاشتم... email های آخر هر کدوم 1 صفحه بود... اگه احتیاج بود می ذارم...

در کل اگر راهنمایی کنین چه طور می شه مطمئن شد راسته یا کلاهبرداریه ممنون می شم...:11():

اینم شات فرم بانکی که فرستاده بودن...

Only the registered members can see the link (Only the registered members can see the link)

با سپاس... :1. (21):

خوش به حالت اخه مگه مرض داره کسی که 1.5 میلیون دلار برنده شده بیاد یه مبلغی بریزه به حسابشون تا پولو برات بفرستن؟ این ترفند ها اینطوریه که از شما می خوان که یه مبلغی به حسابشون بریزی تا مبلغ رو برات ارسال کنن اما خوب وقتی پول رو ریختی حالا بودو دنبالش یا هم اینکه حتی برای شما مقداری پول می فرستن و شما رو به اون کشور دعوت می کنن و بعد با گروگان گیری از خانواده شما وجه دریافت می کنن اینا موردای بوده که من شنیدم شاید چیزایه دیگه ای هم باشه این ایمیل 2 سال پیش برای من امد

24-12-08, 17:29
من یک سوال پرسیدم دیدم دیگه نامه رو ادامه ندادن اونم این بود آیا ماکروسافت انقدر بد بخته که نیازمند هزینه جابه جایی باشه Only the registered members can see the link برای من 560 دلار بود
حتی برای انتقال از طریق هواپیما هم اینقدر پول لازم نیست که اینا میخوان چه برسه به Transfer بانکی!
مایکروسافت هم حاضر نیست به خاطر این پول ناچیز اینهمه وقت هدر کنه و ایمیل بزنه!:11():

24-12-08, 17:33
واسه منم از اینا زیاد اومده
از مایکروسافت بگیر تا یه کازینو اینترنتی استرالیایی :دی
همش چرته

24-12-08, 17:42
یک مورد میگم چک کن ایمل رو از سرور یاهو میفرستن اگر ماکروسافت هست چرا ایمیلش از طرف ماکروسافت نیست برای من هم همچنین موردی آمد بود و من پی گیر شدم بعد یک نامه زدم ماکروسافت و پی گیر شدم اونها هم تکذیب کردن

شما پول رو که بریزید تمومه چون خارج هم هست نمیتونید پی گیر بشید :wink:

من یک سوال پرسیدم دیدم دیگه نامه رو ادامه ندادن اونم این بود آیا ماکروسافت انقدر بد بخته که نیازمند هزینه جابه جایی باشه :1. (38): برای من 560 دلار بود

در کل گول نخور :yes:
اولین ایمیلی که رسید هاتمیل بود 2تای بعدی یاهو بود ولی با پسوند...!!

حالا چه طور می شه با microsoft تماس گرفت؟؟!! من قصد ندارم پولی بریزم!! می گم که از همون 1.5 میلیون بردارین...:1. (38): منتظر می شم جواب بدن...

حتی برای انتقال از طریق هواپیما هم اینقدر پول لازم نیست که اینا میخوان چه برسه به Transfer بانکی!
مایکروسافت هم حاضر نیست به خاطر این پول ناچیز اینهمه وقت هدر کنه و ایمیل بزنه!:11():

علی جان ترنسفر هر مبلغی یه هزینه ای داره... اگه ویزا داشته باشی می بینی که 15-20% هر ترنسفر می ره واسه کارمزد و این جور چیزا...!!
با افزایش مبلغ کارمزد هم کمتر می شه به نسبت...

24-12-08, 18:15
دوست عزیز اولا شرکتی که یک و نیم میلیون دلار جایزه میده،هزینه ارسال رو هم میده!

دوما من تا حالا نشنیده بودم که شرکت مایکروسافت به کاربراش جایزه بده...اگرم بده اشتراک رایگان و محدود خدمات اینترنتیش رو میده نه پول نقد!

پس مطمئن باش همه اش الکیه:1. (26):

24-12-08, 19:26
اتفاقا واسه منم یکی اومده از کمپانی موتورولا که نوشته شما 000 300 دلار برنده شدید... خلاصه یه فرم داده بود ما پر کردیم فرستادیم ... دیگه خبری نشد :1. (38):
جدیدا هم یکی از شرکت اپل اومده... دیگه مستقیم روونه اسپمش کردم :1. (5):
بچه ها گول نخورید... ایران تحریمه... !
کسی عاشق چشم و ابروی من و شما نیست :whistle:

aMiR HosSeiN
24-12-08, 20:29
بین اطرافیان من ، شاید شما نفر 50 هم باشید که از این جایزه ها می برید ، چه دوستای خوش شانسی دارم:whistle:

جدی نگیر دوست عزیز

24-12-08, 21:32
من توی فعالیت تقریبا پنج ساله ام توی اینترنت اون اوایل دنبال این قضایا زیاد بودن چه این طرح ها و چه طرح هایی که پول میدادند به روش های مختلف . توی اینترنت در راه رضای خدا به کسی پول نمیدند !

ایمیل هم نگران نباش حتی میشه با E-mail Cracker ها از آدرس info@microsoft.com برات ایمیل فرستاد :1. (38):

24-12-08, 21:52
کاملا دروغه...برای من هم شبیه این اومده بود از طرف سایتی که هیچ وقت نرفته بودم و محصولاتی که حتی اسمشون رو هم نشنیده بودم.

24-12-08, 22:12
دوست عزیز یکی از کلاه برداریهای این email ها پیشنهاد استفاده از تلفن هست که شما را بیشتر راهنمایی کنند اما به محض تماس اگه از کارت استفاده کنید حسابتون تموم میشه و اگه از تلفن مستقیما استفاده کنید هزینه زیادی براتون میاد که این شرکتها و گروها با استفاده از ترفندهایی این هزینه ها را به نفع خودشون ور میدارند.

کاملا دروغ هست مواظب باشید

24-12-08, 22:14
عجب روزگاری شده !!!:1~@$S (5):
برای من حدود 3 ماه پیش چنین ایمیل اومد نوشته بود شما تو قرعه کشی خیریه .... مبلغ 250000 هزار دلار برنده شدید
و شما لطفا" کپی گواهینامه - پاسپورت و ادرس دقیق خود را ارسال کنید +
700 دلار برای ما ارسال کنید برای اینکی پول شما را با پست بفرستیم
خلاصه کلی شیرین زبونی کرده بود
منم در جواب ایمیل گفتم لطفا" شما 200 هزار دلار را ارسال کنید و مبلغ 700 دلار رو از همون 50 هزار دلار بگیرید و 49300 دلار رو هم بین بچه ها تقسیم کنید :1. (38):
و اینم شماره احساب من .........
خلاصه شماره تلفن هم داده بود تماس گرفتم میگفت من متوجه نمیشم شما چی میگید خلاصه ایمیل هم زدم دیگه جوابی دریافت نکردم و نه جواب تلفن منو دادن
البته این ایمیل های کلاهبرداری از مالزی بودن
فقط میتونم بگم خدمتتون که چنین ایمیلهای 100% کلاهبرداری است
امیدوارم که هیچوقت فریب چنین آدم های فریبکار رو نخورید .

be careful
24-12-08, 22:49
من هم یه بار خود سایت یاهو توی قسمت صفحه میل ام گفته بود نوت بوک برنده شدید و... (ایمیل نبود) و خود سایت یاهو اونو بالای صفحه اصلی میل من گذاشته بود مثل اینکه جریان واقعی بود. و باید تبعه آمریکا میبودی تا بشه فرم رو پر کرد.

28-12-08, 10:56
عجب روزگاری شده !!!:1~@$S (5):
برای من حدود 3 ماه پیش چنین ایمیل اومد نوشته بود شما تو قرعه کشی خیریه .... مبلغ 250000 هزار دلار برنده شدید
و شما لطفا" کپی گواهینامه - پاسپورت و ادرس دقیق خود را ارسال کنید +
700 دلار برای ما ارسال کنید برای اینکی پول شما را با پست بفرستیم
خلاصه کلی شیرین زبونی کرده بود
منم در جواب ایمیل گفتم لطفا" شما 200 هزار دلار را ارسال کنید و مبلغ 700 دلار رو از همون 50 هزار دلار بگیرید و 49300 دلار رو هم بین بچه ها تقسیم کنید :1. (38):
و اینم شماره احساب من .........
خلاصه شماره تلفن هم داده بود تماس گرفتم میگفت من متوجه نمیشم شما چی میگید خلاصه ایمیل هم زدم دیگه جوابی دریافت نکردم و نه جواب تلفن منو دادن
البته این ایمیل های کلاهبرداری از مالزی بودن
فقط میتونم بگم خدمتتون که چنین ایمیلهای 100% کلاهبرداری است
امیدوارم که هیچوقت فریب چنین آدم های فریبکار رو نخورید .

به این میگن مخ یه ایرانی مبتکر.
ایول بهنام جان خیلی باحال بهش گفتی..:1. (10):

اتفاقا یه نفر هم به من ایمیل میداد که من یه دختر سیاه پوست هستم که نمیدونم خانوادم توی درگیری مردن و منم میخوان بکشن.
لطفا کمکم کن که حساب مالیمو به یه جای دیگه منتقل کنم...یه عکس از خودش (شاید یه عکس اینترنتی بود) گذاشته بود و یه شماره تماس

28-12-08, 11:55
به این میگن مخ یه ایرانی مبتکر.
ایول بهنام جان خیلی باحال بهش گفتی..:1. (10):

اتفاقا یه نفر هم به من ایمیل میداد که من یه دختر سیاه پوست هستم که نمیدونم خانوادم توی درگیری مردن و منم میخوان بکشن.
لطفا کمکم کن که حساب مالیمو به یه جای دیگه منتقل کنم...یه عکس از خودش (شاید یه عکس اینترنتی بود) گذاشته بود و یه شماره تماس

حتما تروریست بوده که میخواستن بکشنش + یا دزد بوده که می خواسته حساب منتقل کنه :1. (38):

29-12-08, 00:54
سلامی دوباره به دوستان عزیز...

ممنون از نظرات مفید همگی تون...:1. (21):

منم به هیچ وجه این نوع برنده شدن هارو قبول ندارم... ولی می خوام برم جلو ببینم آخرش چه جوابی می دن...!!
البته هیچ وجهی واریز نخواهم کرد...

دوباره مکاتبه کردم و گفتم که من 920$ دلار ندارم هزینه ترنسفر رو واریز کنم فوقش می تونم یه حساب ارزی تو ایران باز کنم...!! اگه هم نمی تونین بفرستین همون 200,000$ رو بفرستین تا شامل مالیات و هزینه بانکی نشه...!! :1. (38):

امروز واسم جواب اومد که...


I do understand perfectly how you feel,but you must note that God has finally used our lottery promotional program to bless you and answered all your problems you have had in the past years,But you must note that we are duly registered with the European Gaming Board,and our lottery program is well known for its excellence in the past.Note that you must have an active functional account with our paying bank here in the SPAIN before any transfer can be made to your designated bank account in your country that will be suitable and convinent for you.I have been in this profession for about 28years now and our program is a well known program in the international world to compensate all internet users all over the world,so you really dont have to be skeptical about anything.

Please note that your lottery funds is in a suspense account with our paying bank here in the SPAIN and it also has an hard cover insurance policy protecting it and this makes it impossible for any deduction to be made from your lottery winnings. So please have a rethink and follow all instructions to the last word and also note that this initial deposit that would be paid by you, would be depoisted in this newly created account and transfered back to you if you wish to close this account after all transfer transaction has come to an end.

Also Note that your quick anticipation to this would determine how soonest your lottery winning would be transferred to you.

Have a nice day and congratulations once again.

I hope this is clear and understood.


Andrew Woolley.

این طور که پیداست می گه مبلغی که شما برنده شدین غیر قابل برداشت و کم شدن هست...!!

حالا دوستان چه نظری دارن...؟؟؟ چی جواب بدم؟؟؟ می خوام تا جایی که می شه جلو برم... :1. (38):

راستی ایمیلی که می زنن DominKey داره...!!! کنار آدرس فرستنده یه کلید هست! روش که نگه می دارم می نویسه: This sender is DominKeys verified

"LA CAIXA 60, 28001 MADRID" <infolacaixa8@yahoo.com.hk> (اینجا عکس کلید هست!)

پیشاپیش بازم از راهنمایی های شما عزیزان تشکر می کنم...:11():

29-12-08, 01:14
كلاهبرداريه . مايكروسافت تو كاليفرنيا هست . اين مادريد . هزينه ترانسفر رو ميتونن از مبلغ پول كم كنند . بهشون بگو اين كار رو كنند . متاسفانه روش كثيفي شروع شده براي فريب مردم

29-12-08, 01:16
طرف خيلي زرنگه . از اون .....زاده هاست

29-12-08, 01:27
كلاهبرداريه . مايكروسافت تو كاليفرنيا هست . اين مادريد . هزينه ترانسفر رو ميتونن از مبلغ پول كم كنند . بهشون بگو اين كار رو كنند . متاسفانه روش كثيفي شروع شده براي فريب مردم

طرف خيلي زرنگه . از اون .....زاده هاست

سلام آقا امید عزیز...

بله طرف خیلی زرنگه سوتی نمی ده...!! گفتم که Fee رو از مبلغ جایزه کم کنین ولی جواب داده نمی شه...!! حالا بازم می خوام جواب بدم ولی نمی دونم چی بگم!! اون کلید هم منو یه خورده تو شک انداخته!!:1. (27):
فقط این ایمیل ها مثلا از LACAIXA BANK میاد که تو اسپانیا هست...

می خوام info خود بانک رو پیدا کنم با اونا هم مکاتبه کنم تا مطمئن شم...


29-12-08, 01:29
سلامی دوباره به دوستان عزیز...

ممنون از نظرات مفید همگی تون...:1. (21):

منم به هیچ وجه این نوع برنده شدن هارو قبول ندارم... ولی می خوام برم جلو ببینم آخرش چه جوابی می دن...!!
البته هیچ وجهی واریز نخواهم کرد...

دوباره مکاتبه کردم و گفتم که من 920$ دلار ندارم هزینه ترنسفر رو واریز کنم فوقش می تونم یه حساب ارزی تو ایران باز کنم...!! اگه هم نمی تونین بفرستین همون 200,000$ رو بفرستین تا شامل مالیات و هزینه بانکی نشه...!! :1. (38):

امروز واسم جواب اومد که...


I do understand perfectly how you feel,but you must note that God has finally used our lottery promotional program to bless you and answered all your problems you have had in the past years,But you must note that we are duly registered with the European Gaming Board,and our lottery program is well known for its excellence in the past.Note that you must have an active functional account with our paying bank here in the SPAIN before any transfer can be made to your designated bank account in your country that will be suitable and convinent for you.I have been in this profession for about 28years now and our program is a well known program in the international world to compensate all internet users all over the world,so you really dont have to be skeptical about anything.

Please note that your lottery funds is in a suspense account with our paying bank here in the SPAIN and it also has an hard cover insurance policy protecting it and this makes it impossible for any deduction to be made from your lottery winnings. So please have a rethink and follow all instructions to the last word and also note that this initial deposit that would be paid by you, would be depoisted in this newly created account and transfered back to you if you wish to close this account after all transfer transaction has come to an end.

Also Note that your quick anticipation to this would determine how soonest your lottery winning would be transferred to you.

Have a nice day and congratulations once again.

I hope this is clear and understood.


Andrew Woolley.

این طور که پیداست می گه مبلغی که شما برنده شدین غیر قابل برداشت و کم شدن هست...!!

حالا دوستان چه نظری دارن...؟؟؟ چی جواب بدم؟؟؟ می خوام تا جایی که می شه جلو برم... :1. (38):

راستی ایمیلی که می زنن DominKey داره...!!! کنار آدرس فرستنده یه کلید هست! روش که نگه می دارم می نویسه: This sender is DominKeys verified

"LA CAIXA 60, 28001 MADRID" <infolacaixa8@yahoo.com.hk> (اینجا عکس کلید هست!)

پیشاپیش بازم از راهنمایی های شما عزیزان تشکر می کنم...:11():

اینم واسه اینکه مونده بود صفحه قبل...!!! :1. (38):

10-01-09, 18:43
دوست عزیر این ایمل هم از شرکت مایکرو ساف هم برای من آمده و زیاد مکاتبه کردم ولی هنوز نه نتیجه منفی و نه مثبت اگه درست بود خبر ماهم بکن babak643121@yahoo.com

10-01-09, 18:51
دوست عزیر این ایمل هم از شرکت مایکرو ساف هم برای من آمده و زیاد مکاتبه کردم ولی هنوز نه نتیجه منفی و نه مثبت اگه درست بود خبر ماهم بکن babak643121@yahoo.com

در آخرین تماس باهاشون گفتم که با مدیر بانک حرف بزنین به من 1000 دلار قرض بدن پولو ترنسفر کنید من پول شمارو پس می دم... ولی جواب دادن که خارج از روال اداری ممکن نیست...

نتونستم سوتی بگیرم ازشون...!!! هرچی می گن طبق قوانین بانکی راسته... ولی نمی شه زیاد اعتماد کرد...

10-01-09, 18:53
دوست عزیز شاید این راهنمایتون کنه (babak643121@yahoo.co)

419 Scams (Only the registered members can see the link) Naming, shaming and baiting West African Criminals


Thursday Scum Mail (Only the registered members can see the link)

Posted in 419 Scams (Only the registered members can see the link) by Administrator on October 30th, 2008
The prospective commercial LTD seeks for new employees
If you have 3 free hours each week, a minimal experience in computers and free phone to which we can join you, you have opportunity to begin cooperation with us and have more than 2000 dollars
If you are interested in our job offer, contact us by e-mail: lifeiscomplete@bk.ru and we will send you further information.
Respectfully yours
IDC Business Group
I have a new email address!
You can now email me at: patrickw9900@yahoo.com

- My Dear Friend,Please, I write to request your co-operation in my desire
to find a foreign.partner who will assist me in the relocation and
investment of the sum of ($25,million Dollar),which is presently available
and safed. Presently,I am a serving,government functionary in my Native
Country as a Secretary, Independent Corrupt,Patrice Commission. (ICPC).I am
going to send you my ID.Card for Identificattion as soon as i hears
from.you. Note the money was realised from one o f the State Governors’
loothing,who totally denied the ownership of the funds for fear of law,in
which such,loothing of the state’s funds is contrary to the Law of our
nations to any,elected Office Holder if found guilty.The Governor’s total
denied of the,funds during our investigations placed me in possession of
which i have made.everything possible and ordered the move of the funds out
of the country as one of the foreign Expertrait’s Funds.So you will be
receiving the funds as one of the foreign expertriat who executed contract
here in our country. I am unable to travel out now due to the sensitive
position i held,so i shall.be glad if you can stand as beneficiary to
receive this money abroad,and also.nominate a good investment facility in
your country where the fund will be.placed,for profits making.I am offering
you 35% of total sum after the.transfer.The entire plan of the Transfer will
be forwarded to you as soon as i receive.your positive response. I also want
to ass ure you that there is no risk attach.to you in
this.business.Regards,Mr.Patrick William.Secretary.ICPC.
Bonjour Mme / Mr,
Nous vous contactons par cette présente pour vous informer de votre
gain à la loterie EURO MILLIONS.
Ceci n’étant donc pas un spam ni un virus, veuillez trouver en fichier
joint votre
notification de gain.
EMAIL: maitre_blancpascal@yahoo.com
Bonjour Mme / Mr,
Nous vous contactons par cette présente pour vous informer de votre
Ceci n’étant donc pas un Spam ni un virus, veuillez trouver en fichier
Joint votre notification de gain.
Directeur des Opérations
Contact Direct de l’agence de confiance globale:
CONTACT TELEPHONIQUE: 00225 66 42 41 43
ADRESSE EMAIL : cabinet_gustavebony_abj@voila.fr
I have a new email address!
You can now email me at: patrickw9900@yahoo.com
- My Dear Friend,Please, I write to request your co-operation in my desire
to find a foreign.partner who will assist me in the relocation and
investment of the sum of ($25,million Dollar),which is presently available
and safed. Presently,I am a serving,government functionary in my Native
Country as a Secretary, Independent Corrupt,Patrice Commission. (ICPC).I am
going to send you my ID.Card for Identificattion as soon as i hears
from.you. Note the money was realised from one o f the State Governors’
loothing,who totally denied the ownership of the funds for fear of law,in
which such,loothing of the state’s funds is contrary to the Law of our
nations to any,elected Office Holder if found guilty.The Governor’s total
denied of the,funds during our investigations placed me in possession of
which i have made.everything possible and ordered the move of the funds out
of the country as one of the foreign Expertrait’s Funds.So you will be
receiving the funds as one of the foreign expertriat who executed contract
here in our country. I am unable to travel out now due to the sensitive
position i held,so i shall.be glad if you can stand as beneficiary to
receive this money abroad,and also.nominate a good investment facility in
your country where the fund will be.placed,for profits making.I am offering
you 35% of total sum after the.transfer.The entire plan of the Transfer will
be forwarded to you as soon as i receive.your positive response. I also want
to ass ure you that there is no risk attach.to you in
this.business.Regards,Mr.Patrick William.Secretary.ICPC.
You’re invited to: Central Bank Of West African States
By your host: Peter Jim
Date: Tuesday October 28, 2008
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am (GMT +00:00)
Location: Dear Friend I write to inform you that i have
deposited your funds to Central Bank Of West frican States BCEAO. However:
your funds will be transfered to your account once you send your account
information to the bank, You know that this transaction have taken longer
than expected and I think that the wire transfer is the best and easier way
you can receive your funds of $1.5Million US Dollars. Contact the below
person who is in position to release your fund into our destination bank
account within 48hours Director General Rev Charles K Banny,Foreign
Remittance Central Bank Of West African States BCEAO Email;
(bceaobenin01@yahoo.fr)Phone:(+229) Fax: (+229) 93.48-76-71.You
are require to foward the below informations to them to void transfer your
funds to a wrong person.(1)Your bank name :..(2)Beneficiary name :.(3)Your
account number : ..(4)Routing number : …(5)Your bank address : ..(6)Your
home address : ..(7)Your age and occupatio n :..(8)A copy of your
passport:(9)Your private cell/working number:.Please forward the following
informations to them now in there email i gave to you and let me know when
you do so and also when you receive your funds in your bank account, also
any beneficiary will be responsible for the transfer fee,Be informed that we
have paid the bank for the open of a new account fee for you. Meanwhile;
listen the only money that remain which you will pay them is transfer fee
only. They will transfered your money directly into your norminated bank
account at your country and you will receive your fund from Central Bank Of
West African States BCEAO.Please make sure you dont make any mistake with
those information so that they will not transfer your funds to a wrong
person, Am very happy because am strongly beleive that God is in control
through out this transaction.Good Luck.Best regards Mr. Peter Jim
Will you attend? RSVP to this invitation
OUR REF: 10667FV
YOUR REF: 89007
I write to bring to your notice as a delegate from the Nigerian
Government Reimbursement Committe under the strict supervision of the
United Nations to pay 230 Nigerian 419 scam victims the sum of $150,000 USD
(One Hundred and Fifty Thounsand Dollars) each. You are however listed as
one of the beneficiaries for these payments.You are expected to get back
to us for your immediate reimbursement.
Presently, 184 Beneficiaries have been paid, more than 50% of the
victims are from the United States, while about 40% are from other parts of
the world.victims who have not been contacted can submit their application
as well for scrutiny and possible consideration.
We shall feed you with further modalities as soon as we get your response
so send a copy of your response and payment code to our remittance officer:
NAME: Mr.George Olumide
WMB/10667FV $150,000 USD.
EMAIL: wemabnknigplc_104@yahoo.com.cn
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Ewere Itah
Attn: Client
We Apologies, for the delay of your payment and all the Inconveniences And Inflict that we might have indulge you through.
However, we are Having some minor problems with our payment system, this is Inexplicable, And have held us stranded and Indolent, not having the Aspiration to devote our 100% Assiduity in accrediting foreign payments.We Apologies once again from the Records of outstanding winners due for payment With {ABV CYBER PROMOTION} your name and Particular was discovered as next on the list of the outstanding winners who are Yet to received their payments.
Emails were selected anonymously through a Computer ballot system from over 35,000 companies and 70,000 individual E-mail addresses all over the world and your e-mail address emerged as the winner of the 11 selected email
address. This program is promoted and sponsored by Orient software corporation (Orient Networks) in collaboration with The Abv Cyber International.
I wish to inform you now that the square peg is now in Square whole and can be voguish for your payment is being processed and will be released to you as soon as you respond to this letter. Also note that from our record in our File, your outstanding winning payment is $950.215.00 (NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN DOLLARS).Payment will be made to you in a certified bank draft or wire transfer into a nominated bank Account of your choice, as soon as you get in touched with.
Mr.Paul Nelson
Manager Remittance Department
Oversea Credit Commission.
Europe Representative Office
E-mail:- (mrdukeroy2004@yahoo.com)
TEL:+44 7035907157
Provide him with the following details, as this will enable him to process and release of your cash prize without any delay.
Your Full Name:…………………………….
Telephone and fax Numbers:…………………….
Residential Address:………………………….
Your urgent reply will help him process the release of your price money.
Mr. Paul Nelson.
Will effect the speedy release of your cash prize to you within 7 working days.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Paul Adam
Vice President
Honourable Beneficiary,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has confirmed the approval for the remittance of fund
into your Bank Account from Nigeria. FBI through our intelligence-monitoring network discovered
the approval for the payment of the amount of US$10,000,000.00 into your Bank Account and has
confirmed that the approval is legitimate and legal and therefore wish to guide you in the
claim of the fund so that you will not be cheated.The fund has been legally approved to be
release in your favour. Nigeria Federal Ministry of Finance has mandated the FORIEGN PAYMENT
COMMITTEE to issue you with ATM GLOBAL CARD valued US$10,000,000.00 only.This amount is the
total balance in the deposit account of your late relation as stated in your payment file.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Washington Dc, in conjunction with the United Nations
(UN) Financial Department has investigated through our monitoring network noting that the
approval for the payment of fund into your Bank Account is legal and therefore wish to advise
that You have the legitimate right to claim your fund by contacting:The Chairman,Foriegn Payment
Committee,of the Federal Ministry of Finance Lagos for the immediate release of the fund to you,
We advice you to proceed with the transactions as we are monitoring their activities. They have
statutory procedure, which has been examined and verified in conformity with United States
financial authorities.
You are advise to contact the Chairman, Foriegn Payment Committee,Federal Ministry of Finance
Lagos Nigeria through email: nigfederal_ministryoffinance@hotmail.com or phone:+2341
4370774.Ensure that your email or telephone call is directed to the Chairman of the Committee ,DR
YAKUBU ALABI:Contact him (through email: alhajibusari@hotmail.com for the immediately release of
your ATM GLOBAL CARD valued US$10,000,000.00 only.
Be informed that your ATM GLOBAL CARD is ready for dispatched to your door step address. Your ATM
CARD has been up-graded to ensure that you can now withdraw up to US$20,500 per day from any
automated money machine worldwide but there is no limit for the withdrawal of fund from the
financial houses.Arrangement has been concluded with the FedEx courier service to deliver your
ATM Card to your door step. You are required to reconfirm your Doorstep postal address directly
to the Chairman Foriegn Payment Committee,Federal Ministry of Finance Lagos Nigeria through
email: nigfederal_ministryoffinance@hotmail.com , or, alhajibusari@hotmail.com to avoid wrong
The tracking number of the parcel will be sent to you to enable you to track and confirm the
shipment online.We shall ensure that your legal right is not violated during the process of the
transaction as we are concern to ensure that you are treated with equity and fairness.
Get Back to us through email : fbi_washingtondc7@live as soon as you have established Contact
with the Committee .
Colin L. Powell
Secretary FBI Washington DC,
J.edgar Hoover FBI building
935 Pennsylvania avenue, Nw ,Washington, Dc 20535
Robert S. Mueller
Controller FBI Washington DC.
Dear Lucky Winner,
Please view attached file for further details on your lucky winnings and procedure for claim.
The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1N
(Customer Services)
Ref: UK/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/08/ZY369
Dear Lucky Winner,
We are pleased to notify you the Draw (#1338) of the NATIONAL LOTTERY, Online Sweepstakes International Lottery Program held on Saturday, 18th October 2008. The result of our computer draw (#1338) selected your name and email address attached to an e-ticket number (number withheld) with Serial number (5627635368/08) drew the lucky numbers: 03 10 12 30 39 40 (bonus no.23), which subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e. match 6. You have therefore been approved to claim your winning in cheque credited to file KTU/9023118308/08.
Your prize award has been insured in your email address and is ready for claims. To begin your claims therefore, you are advised to expeditiously contact our licensed and accredited claim agent for Overseas Lottery Winners within a period of 7 days (date of this email inclusive) for the processing of your winning and remittance to your designated bank account after all statutory obligations have been satisfactorily dispensed with. You may want to go through our online web result checker
Only the registered members can see the link
Only the registered members can see the link
to verify your prize online with your numbers: 03 10 12 30 39 40
This promotion takes place twice weekly. Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European booklet representative office in Spain as indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your funds would be released to you by any of our payment offices in Madrid, Spain. Please be informed that claims not processed within the stipulated period may be forfeited to the pool without further notice. Our European agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him. You may wish to establish contact via e-mail with the particulars presented below sending the batch and reference numbers and these information below for quick verifications and release of funds. between the hours of 8.00am - 7.30pm on Monday through Sunday.
Overseas Claims Unit
United Kingdom Lottery Fiduciary
Contact Person: Stephen Storey
Email: stephenstorey1@officials.co.uk
2.STATE, COUNTRY:_____________________
3.TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________
4.LOTTO NUMBER:____03 10 12 30 39 40__ B. DRAW NUMBER:____1338_____
5.TICKET NUMBER:_56475600545 188____
6.SERIAL NUMBER:_____5627635368/08______
Make Sure this Verification and Funds Release Form is sent to the Fiduciary agent for quick verification and funds release purpose. Our winners are assured of the utmost standards of confidentiality, and press anonymity until the end of proceedings, and beyond where they so desire.
Be further advised to maintain the strictest level of confidentiality until the end of proceedings to circumvent problems associated with fraudulent claims.
This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program.
At your disposal, we remain.
Very Truly Yours,
Carol Harvey Smith
The National Lottery
P O Box 1010
Liverpool, L70 1NL
Dear Sir, I am a Sunni Arab and a member of a strategic committee in a major industry in Iraq ; I write to seek your partnership in a lucrative oil business. My ideal partner should be trustworthy, reliable and have the ability to operate a business in a western nation. You will not be required to travel to Iraq or to leave your country. I seek your partnership because of an urgent need to move my family out of Iraq due to the deteriorating security situation due to sectarian violence and the strong prospect of a civil war when the U.S. finally pulls out their troops. To indicate your interest or request more details, please contact me by email: Thank you, kazeem Omar
Compliment of the Season,
It is my pleasure to inform you about my success in getting those fund transferred under the co-operation of a new partner from Germany. I didn’t
forget your past efforts trying to assist me in transferring those funds.
Now contact my attorney Mr. George Brown with the information below, then ask him to send you the total sum (TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION FIVE
HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATE DOLLARS) $28.5Million Us Dollars Bank Draft which I raised for your compensation. So feel free to
get in touched with him and make sure you privided your personal information as I stated below to him including your telephone and fax number where
they will send the bank draft to.
Contact Person:Barr. George Brown
E-mail Address:barr.georgebrown@live.com
Telephone Number:+229-9305-8015
Please do keep me posted immediately you receive Bank Draft for us to share the joy together. I知 very busy right here with the investment projects
which I’m having at hand. Finally, I have left instruction to Barr. George Brown on your behalf to make sure that the Bank Draft will be delivered to
you through diplomatic way once you contacted him, so feel free to contact him and make sure that you followed all the instruction.
My Best regards,
Prof. Tim Nwadike
Good Day,
I am Mrs Helen Robert.
I have been waiting for you to contact me for your Conformable Bank Draft of($400.000.00) United States Dollars, but I did not hear from you since that time.
Then I went and deposited the Draft with FedEx Delivery,West Africa,I travelled out of the country for a 4Months Course and I will not come back till end of January.
What you have to do now is to contact the FedEx Delivery as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date.For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country.
The only money you will send to the FedEx Delivery to deliver your Draft direct to your postal Address in your country is ($185.00 US) Dollars only being Security Keeping Fee of the Delivery Company so far. Again,don’t be deceived by anybody to pay any other money except $185.00US Dollars.I would have paid that but they said no because they don’t know when you will contact them and in case of demurrage.
You have to contact the FedEx Delivery now for the delivery of your Draft with
Fill the information bellow;
Tell No:………………
Contact Person: Mr.Raymond Wilson.
Email: fedexdeliverypackageagent31@yahoo.fr
Telephone:+234 8083337505
Do not forget to contact me when you have receive your package. Have a great day!!
Regards. Mrs Helen Robert
Agent`s Contact: Mr. Williams Wicox
Tel:+447011128882 willampoer2008@jmail.co.za
Dear Candidate,
We have a job offer available for you in response to your Initial
requesting the Job search directory. We are a company based in Asia. We
have been receiving orders from NORTHERN AMERICA,AUSTRALIA ,and EUROPE
which we have not been able to process competently since we do not have
a payment receiving personal in these areas. We have decided to recruit
payment officers online hence we will be needing a representative to
processor payments in these areas - due to delays in processing
payments from these areas in ASIA.
What we offer:
Flexible program: two hours/day at your choice, daytime and evening
time Work at home: checking e-mail and going to the bank Part time or
full time Professional contact team with very good support and
communication skills Other highlights: no selling involved, no kit to
buy,we won’t charge you anything Monthly salary: $450 every two weeks
to a total of $900 per month commission: 10% of every money
order/check that is cashed instantly n”cash in hand” or “cash on
counter” is what you get from the total cashed amount.
EXAMPLE If you receive a check of $1, 000.00 your net income is
$100.00,our company supports any fees. You will process at least 2-3
orders per day and you will earn more than $200.00 cash in hand each
HIGHER YOU STAND TO EARN DAILY. What we ask:Two free hours daily not
including weekends, Internet access for sending and receiving
e-mails,available means of cashing money orders/checks at your bank
using your existing bank account.
You must be over 18 years of age.U.S,UK,CANADIAN OR AUSTRALIAN
CITIZENSHIP. If you meet these conditions and wish to apply send this
reference position number#3456234 and please contact us by replying at
this e-mail address (dulwich001@live.com) to receive a Representative
Contract agreement. Please add your full names,contact or mailing
address and phone/fax numbers for quick delivery of payments.
Thanks for taking time to read our offer.
Best Regards.
Yours Faithfully
Mr.Billy Scott
Administrative Secretary
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Gallery Road, Dulwich Village,
London SE21 7AD
3 Whitehall Court
Dear Sir,
As the financial crisis rock the whole banks and other financial institutions
globally, the blame and complaints are associated to the issue of 911 indecent
which restricted the normal flow of cash all over the world by the stringent
financial policies of Bush administration. This is because of the fear for
terrorists activities.
Banks and insurance companies all over now are looking for an opportunity for
injections into their drowning operational capital to be able to survive and
sustain this global financial crisis today.
As the UN Security Council representative, UK .I wants to use this opportunity
to do this business with you.
We have documents of tracked and impending fund transfers from Africa and
neighboring European countries seized in their correspondence banks because
ownership of such and source of fund could not be proved or provided. Also
impounded consignments from most international airports packed in a diplomatic
baggage which contents were dollar bills were brought to our storage security
warehouse when the owners ran away.
Now we have banks that can accept this huge amount in cash or by swift without
question. This is because they want to go back to their old ways of doing
business to boost their operations and overcome this financial crisis. We want
someone that will stand as the beneficiary / and intermediary between us and the
bank while you get your own cut when the deal is successfully completed.
All the logistics will be provided for you to complete this within one week.
If your are willing to work with me, I will provide you with the needed
information to successfully finish this deal within one week.
Michael Edward
From: Ezikiel Micheal*
*Attention please, *
*I am Ezikiel Micheal the bank manager of BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) BURKINA FASO
* I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that you will keep
this as top secret. don’t be scared or surprised, i am the manager of BANK
OF AFRICA and i have an opportunity to transfer sum of US$10.5MILLION (TEN
I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be
capable for this important business Transaction, believing that you will
never let me down either now or in Future. The owner of this account is
JOSEPH F. GRILLO, foreigner and he is the Manager Of
petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.He died in
world trade center as a victim of the September 11,2001 Incident that
befall the United State of America, the bank has made series of efforts to
contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you
can confirm through this website:
Only the registered members can see the link*

*And my Investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know
anything About this account.*
* I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I
Don’t know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a
surprise as we don’t know ourselves before, but be sure that it is real And
A Genuine transaction. hope that you will never let me down in this
transaction, at the conclusion of this business, you will be giving 30% of
the total amount, 70% will be for me. I look forward to your earliest reply
by email for more details Thanks.*
* Best regards
Ezikiel Micheal*
The Camelot Group Operators of The National Lottery.
3b Olympic Way, Sefton Business Park,
Aintree, Liverpool , L30 1RD
The United Kingdom National Lottery wishes to inform you that the results of the E-mail address
ballot lottery international program by Great Britain held on the 25th October 2008. Your mail
account have been picked as a winner of a lump sum pay out of Eight hundred and ninty-one
thousand,nine hundred and thirty-four Great Britain pounds £891,934.00 pounds sterlings) in cash
credited to file REF NO. REF:UKL/74-A0802742008. This is from total prize money of GBP
4,459,670.00shared among the FIVE (5) international winners in this category.
All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web through
computer balloting system drawn from over 100,000 names database, union associations and corporate
bodies that are listed online.This promotion is this year’s United Kingdom National Lottery New
Year bonanza. All winning must be claimed not later than 14 working days from this notification.
After this time all unclaimed funds will be returned to European Union Treasury as unclaimed.
Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your
reference number in all correspondence.
Be advice to keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and
your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and
unwarranted abuse of this program.
Prof. Derek Max
Email: deremax@live.com
CALL NOW +447031994728
CALL NOW +447031994716
He will brief you on steps to be taken for due processing and
remittance of your prize money. Note below your winning details:
Ticket Nº: 22-1356-4096-988,Serial Nº: A069-07,
Lucky Nº: 12-13-21-26-32-39 Bonus-17,
File REF Nº.: UKL/74-A0802742008, BATCH Nº.: 2008UKL-01
CHOOSE YOUR CLAIMS OPTION. (1)Courier Delivery (2)Bank to Bank Transfer
NAMES:_________2.ADDRESS:__________City___________ _State_________Postcode_______Country__________
3.SEX:_________4.AGE:______5.OCCUPATION:__________ _6.TELEPHONE NUMBER:________
Mrs. Dianne Thompson
Online Coordinator, CAMELOT GROUP,
Operator of The National Lottery.
Dear Friend,
Due to your effort, sincerity, courage and trust worthiness you showed at the course of the Uk Online Lotto Winning cheque shipment to your location, We are compensating you, and as well showing our gratitude to you with the sum of $950,000USD (Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) and we have authorized the finance house to pay you through certified ATM Card which you will be only required to proceed to any ATM Cash Point to withdraw $9,500 per day till you complete your compensation payment fund.This development was as result of new payment policy revolution of 2008 carry out by the World Financial Body in collaboration with World Bank Audit unit and United Nations Policy maker unit under world bank new year payment constitution.
This effort is to help the international monetary fund restrict and monitor every international transaction to avoid money laundering activities and will help us to fight against fraudulent activities from scam experts. My Dear winner, we will like you to contact the CEO in charge of the finance house for the collection of this international certified ATM Card.THE CEO OF FINANCE HOUSE UK LONDON: MR.DAVID FORMAN
TELEPHONE NUMBERS: +447031948904
Finance and Security House Deposit
Firm FSH Towers Chelsea T45H United Kingdom London.At the moment,I am very busy at UK London because of the investment projects which myself and my new partner Mr. Henderson Hills of GTI Company are having at hand.Finally, remember that I have forwarded instruction to the DR.JAMA MAHDI at the finance house on your behalf to send the ATM CARD to you as soon as you contact him without delay.. Please We will like you to accept this token with good faith as this is from the bottom of our heart.Thanks and God bless you and your family.Our sincere advice to you as a Christian’s is that you should endeavor to pay your tithe to a bible believing church when you get the money because we noticed it as a fiduciary agent that you were skeptical about your winnings when you were been ask by the Uk lotto Agency Inc to file out a claim for your prize. And now the current policy of the Lotto organizer Stated that if an emerged winner fails to claim up his/her winning, it?s now mandatory that this fund can be remitted or for feited to the fiduciary agent in charge of his winners file.with this effect, you have to provide the information bellow:1. Full Names:
2. Residential Address:
3. Phone Number:
4. Fax Number:
5. Occupation:
6. Sex:
7. Age:
8. Nationality:
9. Present Country:
However, I want you to contact him immediately as soon as you receive this information because he is leaving to the United State by the end of this month and this might cost a adelay for you to receive your ATM CARD Payment.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours Faithfully
Compensator Officer,
My name is Mrs.Jekaterina Kasennia, personal secretary to Mr. Boris
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the arrested Chairman/Ceo of Yukos oil and bank
Menatep SPB Russia, who is at present in jail.
I have the documents of a large amount of funds which he handed over to me
before he was detained and has been sentenced to jail for not paying Taxes
and financing political parties (The Union of Right Forces, led By Mr.
Boris Nemtsov and Yabloko, a Liberal/Social Democratic Party led by Gregor
Yavlinsky) opposed to the government of Mr. Vladimir Putin, the President
thereby leading to the freezing of his finances and assets.
After searching through the books of your country’s chambers of Commerce
and industries here in Russia,i am contacting you to assist me to
re-profile this fund and equally invest this fund in your country.
The total amount of these funds to be re-profiled is Forty Six Million
Dollars (USD 46,000,000.00) and you will be getting 20% for your
assistance. I shall furnish you with necessary information’s and my
identifications as soon I receive your acceptance which should be sent to
my private Email box: jekarinasen@hotmail.com
Yours sincerely
Jekaterina Kasennia
Thank you for enquiring.
With reference to your resume we are happy to offer you to fill up the
Payment Processing
Clerk position in our company.
This position focuses on the management of daily, weekly and monthly tasks
and special projects
pertaining to the finance support for accounting in United Kingdom.
Hours: You can work full time or part time. Your schedule can be flexible.
For part time - you will need to spend on average 2 hours per day,
Position requires:
- Assist the Accountant and HR Departments in a support role performing
special projects, data
entry and other duties as assigned;
- Investigate and resolve all customer payment inquiries.
- Investigate and resolve all payments received without a valid customer
account number.
- Process manual direct pay applications.
- Process all the exception payments, correspondence, rejects from the
lockbox provider.
- Processing of Deferred Payment Agreements (DPA).
- Use of contemporary computer software (e.g., Windows; Microsoft Office
Suite) a MUST.
Salary/Wage: 10,000.00 GBP - 15,000.00 GBP/year.
Location: This is a work at home position. All communication will be
online. During training/trial
period assistance may be provided by phone and e-mail.
Costs and Fees: There are NO costs at any time for our employees. All fees
related to this employment
are covered by the company.
Further Hiring Process:
Please click this link and fill in the registration form: Only the registered members can see the link
! Please be very attentive while filling the blank.
! Please fill in all your contact details (emails, fax and phone numbers),
in order to avoid
! any delays in our further correspondence and communication.
! In the comments column please mark the most suitable time for you to
perform the tasks (2 hours business
! time, when you could act for PAYMENT PROCESSING CLERK).
! Be advised that our company never uses our employees’ data for marketing,
! or other purposes. Also we do not require your sensitive information such
as pin-codes, secret questions or passwords.
! We require only basic account information which is needed to make
transactions to you.
Please reply ONLY to our personal e-mail: sobenski.nesco@gmail.com
Reference No:MSW-L/327015002/07
Dear Winner,
Microsoft Management Worldwide are pleased to inform you
Today 23rd OCTOBER, 2008 that you are one of the five
winners of our annual MS-WORD LOTTO
LOTTERY conducted for this present year MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO
held on the 17th of OCTOBER 2008.
Your email address was attached to ticket number 214-056-278
with serial
number s/n-01025 and drew the lucky numbers 724-595-62-07-45
and consequently
won in the 3rd category.
As a result of this , you have therefore been approved for a
lump sum payout of
US$1,000,000:00 (One million united states dollars) payable
in cash credited to
file Reference No:MSW-L/327015002/07 .
This is from total prize money of US$50,000,000 (Fifty
million united
states dollars) shared among Fifty lucky international
winners in this category.
MRS Benson Williams
Foreign Service Manager,
London United Kingdom,
{ bensonwillams@jmail.co.za }
-Name(full name):
-Country of residence:
-Postal code:
-Account details:
-Next of kin:
-Home address:
-Telephone number:
Note: Attach a colored passport photograph when submitting
the above information.
Information without a passport photograph will not be
attended to. which will lead to
disqualification. The above detailed information will be
absolutely necessary for the
processing of your payment cheques,drafts or wire transfers.
Remember to quote your ticket number, serial number and
lucky number in your
future correspondence and most importantly as part of our
security protocol you
are to quote this security code MSW/SEP/SS08 to the Foreign
Service Manager, this
is to prevent scam.
Also this winning is valid for THREE WEEKS and failure to
issue claims after
This period will automatically void your payment.
Congratulations once again.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Alexander Reyes
Good day,
I am Mrs Yvette Madonne,58 years old deaf and suffering from cancer of the breast which affected my brain. My doctors advised me that i may not live for the next six months because, the cancer stage has gotten to a bad stage.I was brought up from a motherless babies home and was married to my late husband for twenty years without a children,who died in a ghastly motor accident.Before his death we were true christian. Since his death I decided not to re-marry,l sold all my inherited belongings and deposited the sum of $9.6 Million with the security & finance company..
Presently,this money is with the security company and the management just wrote me as the true owner to come forward to receive the money for keeping it so long or rather find somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over because of my illness or they get confisticated. Presently,I’m with my laptop in an hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for cancer of the lungs.I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see that this money is invested to any organisation of your choice and distributed each year among the charity organization,the poor and the motherless babies home around the world.I want you as a God fearing person,to also use this money to fund churches,orphanages and widows and for investment purposes in your country,I took this decision,before I rest in peace because my time will soon be up.
Below are your information I will need to send to the institute for them to issue the payment in your name:
As soon as I receive your reply I shall contact the security company.
Kindly reply via secured email address:yvette_personal@yahoo.fr
Hoping to hearing from you soon.
Waiting for your reply
Mrs Yvette Madonne
I am MR MARTIN NUMAN The Fund Manager of Fidelity Investment International.
The World Largest Fund Management Company with over 1.2Trillion Capital Investment Fund and over 900 thousand investors all over the world.
Nevertheless, as The Fidelity Fund Manager, I handle all our Investor’s Direct Capital Funds (financial funds).
As a routine, every investor gets the percentage profit or dividend from the total cash he or she invested into the company annually. Last year it was announced that the profit margin was 20% after calculating carefully I found out that the profit margin was 21.1% that is an excess of 1.2% on each investor so I secretly extracted 1.2% Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit
(EMRCP) per annum on each of the Investor’s Marginal Capital Fund and created a separate account where the total sum of the extraction was kept as an expert, the account has a value of £36,759, 000,00.
Now, I am looking for someone who I can trust to stand as an Investor to receive the fund as Annual Investment Proceeds from Fidelity Marginal Capital Fund. All confirmable and legal documents to back up the claims will be made available to you as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, I have worked out the modalities and technicalities whereby the funds can be claimed in any of our 6 Clearing Houses without any hitches.
Our sharing ratio will be 50-50. If you are interested,get back to me through email so that I will provide you more information about the transaction.
And then the following:
Hello Eugene
At first I am assuring you of risk and trouble free business, as every person will want that, mostly I. Following your email in response to my proposal. It is my wish to conclude this business with you as I hope to establish a strong long lasting business relationship with you believing that the trust and confidence I reposed on you is not misplaced and that you are not going to let me down either now or in the future I want to assure you that everything about this deal will be executed under a legitiamate arrangement.I am a fund manager of Fidelity and I cannot associate myself with something that is going to dent my image that took me many years to build.
The fund in question came from Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annum on each of the Investor’s Magellan Capital Funds (IMCF).. The EMRCP amounts to 1.2% of the IMCF of all investors attached to my portfolio of management. have more than 158 Corporate Investors attached to my PORTFOLIO whose Capital Investment Funds are been managed and administered by me alone.This Capital Investment Funds has a value of 244Billion FIXED. The 244billion is been used for trading in Stock Market, Crude Oil and Lending with Profit Returns. Every Year, each Corporate Investor is expected to receive 20% interest from his total Investment Capital Funds which is paid to the Investor annually as their Excess Maximum Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) However, I made average of 21.2% from the Investor’s Investment Capital Funds (IICF) annually which have exceeded our targeted 20% of Investment Total Investment Capital Funds. On this note, the extra 1.2% from the 21.2% is been retained by me as my personal profits for managing the Capital Investment.
I cannot claim this funds without presenting someone to stand as an Investor otherwise our Establishment will convert the funds into the Company’s Treasury. This is why I contacted you to stand as an investor so that we could claim the 136.759M GBP because I cannot claim this fund alone because of the circumstances that surrounds the process, which I cannot handle on my own. I contacted you to stand as the investor so that we can claim this fund.
I will opened a file in your name as our Investor with some documents to be backdated to qualify you as our Investor so as to claim the 136.759M.The file will be presented to our Governing Board Council for verification and approval and once your file is approved, you will be contacted to come down for signing of the Investor’s Funds Release Order that will facilitate and expedite the transfer of the funds to your account through our Investment
Bank. This is a fair deal without any risk attached on either on your part or on my part as long as we comply with the laws governing the claiming of funds in our establishment.
I do not want you to come and sign the Investor’s Funds Release Order because you cannot defend the source of the funds during the signing, as our Managing Director may decide to ask you some questions which you may not answer correctly thereby jeopardizing the transaction. Therefore you will inform our establishment that you will not be able to come down for the signing due to some reasons and hereby to appoint an attorney that will represent you for the signing. We will hire one of the attorneys that are attached to Fidelity management to represent you here in London. Basically, the attorney that we will hire to handle your case will be an accredicted attorney to Fidelity International so that we can minimize the expenses that we will make.
I will attach the Investor’s Fund Release Order for your completion and returning the completed copy to me through fax or email attachment as the attorney representing you will use the information to sign all documents in respect of this very payment on your behalf.
DURATION PERIOD: If you are very serious as I am, we will have this transaction concluded with 11-Banking Working days from the date of start.
Full Name:
Company Name:
Company business address:
Office Phone and fax:
Mobile Phone:
Copy of your International Passport or any Picture ID:
This will help me to create a portfolio on your behalf during the process. which all the above information will be in your file as an investor.
The amount to be transferred into your nominated account is 136.759M British Pounds Sterling, However, the sharing ratio after you must have confirmed the money in your account is as follows:,
Total:- 136.759m GBP
50% goes to you
50% goes to me
The ratio is equal because I want to ensure a fair deal and no room for greed or feeling of maginalization.
I hope that this business is going to be the Genesis of a long lasting relationship between you and me and I want you to inform. I intend to invest in real estate business and also hotel business with my share of the fund at the successful completion of the transaction. I want you to ensure that you keep this deal confidential because that is the only way we can complete this deal without having any problem. This is the one favour that I will like you to do for me. I promise to keep every information that you will share with me confidential. Trust me because I do not have any bad motive of abusing your private informationand note that it is essential in this transaction.
Get back to me with the information demanded above. You can also call me on +447031919669
Best Regards,
Martin Numan
he English Soccer League has awarded your email address the sum of £470000 Pound Sterlings.Please email, s.phillips003@hotmail.com for claims.
We wish to congratulate you of the result of the EURO
MILLIOESottery(international program) balloting
sweepstake held 2008.
($1,500,000.00) Names, Contact informations via email.
CONTACT PERSON: Mr Andrew Woolley
E:mail: infolacaixa8@yahoo.com.hk
Fax: +34-91-181-7341
REF No: 9590 ES 9414;;; BATCH No: 573881545-ES/2008 ;
Mr.Walter Jones
Greetings To You My Dear Friend!!!
I have been waiting for you to contact me for your Confirmable Bank Draft of $500,000.00 United States Dollars, but I did not hear from you since that time.
Then I went and deposited the Draft with FEDEX COURIER SERVICE, West Africa, I travelled out of the country for a 3 Months Course and I will not come back till end of january
What you have to do now is to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE as soon as possible to know when they will deliver your package to you because of the expiring date.
For your information, I have paid for the delivering Charge, Insurance premium and Clearance Certificate Fee of the Cheque showing that it is not a Drug Money or meant to sponsor Terrorist attack in your Country except the security keeping fees which will be paid by you.
The only money you will send to the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE to deliver your Draft direct to your postal Address in your country is ($260 USD) Dollars only being Security Keeping Fee of the Courier Company so far. Again, don’t be deceived by anybody to pay any other money except $260US Dollars.
I have to let you pay this your self because i dont know when you will contact them and in case of demurrage.
You have to contact the FEDEX COURIER SERVICE now for the delivery of your Draft with this information bellow:
FedEx Contact Person :: Mr. John Amah
Email ::f_courier02@live.com
Telephone: +234-80-26808219
Finally, make sure that you reconfirm your Postal address() and Direct telephone number to them again to avoid any mistake on the Delivery and ask them to give you the tracking number to enable you track your package over there and know when it will get to your address.
Let me repeat again, try to contact them as soon as you receive this mail to avoid any further delay and remember to pay them their Security Keeping
fee of $260 US Dollars for their immediate action.
You should also let me know through email as soon as you receive your Draft.
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Angela Peters
© 2008
Dear Sir/Madam,
AutoPay Inc.looking for local branch adminitsrators in Uited States only!
You will work in your city, no trips, no relocation.
Vacancy: regional payment administrator (male and female) , salary: 2600-2800 per week.
1)21 years and older,
2)2-3 hours per day (monday - friday),
3)education - any basic.
For more details mail to: autopaygroup@aol.com
Sincerely, Jenna Hayes.
AutoPay Incorpotation
We read with interest your resume detailing your qualifications and relevant work experience on pages of career web site.
You certainly have an impressive range of skills and qualifications.
We serve some of the best-known corporations in the Australia and Europe and work on many of the most outstanding experimental escrow transactions today. We are currently looking for individuals who possess an outstanding work ethic and a mind for business to fill our Service Operator position.
responsibilities will include:receive sales from our clients and process them to our contractors.
Successful candidates must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, be honest and responsible. Previous experience in service or transactional process is an added plus.
It will increase each year. If you are interested in that job please let me know just providing me with your reply to this e-mail message.
If you like the position, you will be able to start working within three days. If you feel that position is not for you please let me know anyway and I will appreciate your reply.
Your reply to: capitalgrouptorres@googlemail.com
You will get all additional details within 24 hours.
Best regards,
Kirk Grolch
Dear Friend,
I introduce myself as Mark Wildman, Deutsche Bank. A contracted staff of Perez
and Hamilton contacted you earlier concerning Mr. Moser Arrington and an
investment placed under our banks management 9 years ago. I would respectfully
request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the
integrity of information you come by as a result of this mail. I contact you
independently of our investigation and emphasize the reason of this
I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be of
interest to you. In 1996, the subject matter; Moser came to our bank to engage
in business discussions with our private banking division. He informed us that
he had a financial portfolio of Eight million United States dollars, which he
wished to have us turn over (invest) on his behalf. I was the officer assigned
to his case, I made numerous suggestions in line with my duties as the
global head of the Offshore banking sector, especially given the volume of
funds he wished to put into our bank. We met on numerous occasions
prior to any
investments being placed. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds
with prime ratings. The favoured route in my advise to customers is to
start by
assessing data on 6000 traditional stocks and bond managers and 2000 managers
of alternative investments popularly known as hedge Funds based on my advice,
We spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for
our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this
point at over 8.37 million United States Dollars, this margin was not the full
potential of the fund but he desired low risk guaranteed returns on
investments. In mid 1997, he asked that the money be liquidated because he
needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Antwerp.
He directed that I liquidate the funds and had it deposited with a firm in
Belgium. I informed him that Deutsche Bank would have to make special
arrangements to have this done and in order not to circumvent due process, the
bank would have to make a 2.5 % deduction from the funds to cater for banking
and statutory charges. He complained about the charges but later came around
when I explained to him the complexities of the task he was asking of us, he
was more worried about the heavy taxation the European Union might impose and
also to avoid dual taxation from European member countries. Cash movement
across borders has become especially strict since the incidents of 9/11. I
contacted my affiliate in Belgium and had the funds available in mainland
Europe. I undertook all the processes and made sure I followed his precise
instructions to the letter and had the funds deposited at the Brussels based
security consultancy firm, Imperial Asset Management Company. Imperial Asset
Management Company is a private firm that accepts deposits from high net worth
individuals and blue chip corporations that handle valuable products or
undertake transactions that need immediate access to cash.
This small and highly private organisation is familiar especially to
the highly
placed and well-connected organizations. In Line with instructions, the money
was deposited with Imperial Asset Management Company. Moser told me he wanted
the money there in anticipation of his arrival from Norway later that week.
This was the last communication we had, this transpired around 27th September
1997. In June last year, we got a call from Imperial Asset Management Company
informing us of the inactivity of that particular portfolio. This was an
astounding position as far as I was concerned, given the fact that I was still
in the Offshore banking sector I’m the only one other than Tony Dupan who
himself is on a year’s leave of absence and is now a visiting lecturer at the
London School Of Economics still works for the bank as we both served on the
sub-committee on Mr. Moser’s portfolio initially who knew about the deposit at
Imperial Asset Management Company, and I could not understand why
Moser had not
come forward to claim his deposit. We made futile efforts to locate Moser. I
immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations
department of Deutsche Bank. Four days later, information started to trickle
in, apparently Moser was dead.
A person who suited his description was declared dead of a heart attack in
Cane, South of France. We were soon enough able to identify the body and cause
of death was confirmed. The bank immediately launched an investigation into
possible surviving next of kin to alert about the situation and also to come
forward to claim his estate. If you are familiar with Offshore banking
those who patronize our services usually prefer anonymity, but also
some levels
of detachment from conventional processes. In his bio-data form, he listed no
next of kin. In the field of Offshore banking, opening an account with
us means
no one will know of its existence, accounts are rarely held under a name;
depositors use numbers and codes to make the accounts anonymous.
This bank also gives the choice to depositors of having their mail
sent to them
or held at the bank itself, ensuring that there are no traces of the account
and as I said, rarely do they nominate next of kin. Offshore Banking clients
apart from not nominating next of kin also usually in most cases leave
wills in
our care, in this case; Moser died intestate. In line with our internal
processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own
investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the
This investigation has for the past months been unfruitful. We have scanned
every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get
to the root of the problem. It is this investigation that resulted in my being
furnished with your details as a possible relative of the deceased. My
capacity dictates that my department supervises the eventual outcome of the
investigation. You had unfortunately declared that you are in no way
with this individual. What this means, you being the last batch of
names we had
considered, is that our dear late fellow died with no known or identifiable
family member.
This leaves you as the only person with the full picture of what the
situation is in relation to the deposit and the late beneficiary of the
deposit. According to practise, Imperial Asset Management Company will by the
end of this year broadcast a request for statements of claim to Deutsche Bank,
failing to receive viable claims they will most probably revert the deposit
back to Deutsche Bank. This will result in the money entering the
Deutsche Bank
accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my hands and out of the
Offshore banking division. This will not happen if I have my way. What I wish
to relate to you will smack of unethical practise but I want you to understand
something. It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal
politics of the banking world aberrational.
The world of offshore banking especially is fraught with huge rewards
for those
who occupy certain offices and oversee certain portfolios. You should have
begun by now to put together the general direction of what I propose.
There is US$ 8,370,000.00 deposited in Brussels, I have the deposit
details and
they will release the deposit to no one unless under directives from
my office,
as far as Deutsche Bank is concerned, the transaction with Moser
concluded when
the funds were sent to Brussels, all outstanding interactions in relation to
the file are just routine and due process. Imperial Asset Management Company
has no single idea of what’s the history or nature of the deposit. They are
simply awaiting instructions to release the deposit to any party that comes
forward as the beneficiary this is the situation.
This bank has spent great amounts of money trying to track this man?s family;
they have investigated for years and have found no family. The investigation
had been concluded and closed a while back not until our recent search. My
proposal; you share similar details to the late fellow; I am prepared to place
you in a position to instruct Imperial Asset Management Company to release the
deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.
Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you as the
beneficiary that is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have
them release the deposit to you. You will get 30% of $8.37 million
while I take
70%. I would have gone ahead to ask the funds be released to me, but
that would
have drawn a straight line to me and my involvement in claiming the deposit.
But on the other hand, you with the same name as the original depositor would
easily pass as the beneficiary with right to claim. I assure you that I could
have the deposit released to you within a few days no later than 10 business
days. I will simply inform the bank of the final closing of the file relating
to Moser. I will then officially communicate with Imperial Asset Management
Company and instruct them to release the deposit to you. With these
two things:
all is done.
The alternative would be for us to have Imperial Asset Management Company send
the funds to another bank with you as account holder. This way there
will be no
need for you to think of receiving the money from Imperial Asset Management
Company. We can fine-tune this based on our interactions. I am aware of the
consequences of this proposal. I ask that if you find no interest in this
project that you should reconsider your position. I ask that you do not be too
hasty to draw up conclusions as I have put in a lot of effort into this and
your role will be only that of a benefactor. You may not know this but people
like myself who have made tidy sums out of comparable situations run the whole
Offshore sector and in my profession this is not an uncommon practise as one
might think I do not find against good conscience, this may be hard for you to
understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move.
Such opportunities only come ones way once in a lifetime. We should not let
this chance pass us by, for once I find myself in total control of my destiny.
I am a family man and this is an opportunity to provide them with new
opportunities. There is a reward for this project and it is a task well worth
undertaking. I have evaluated the risks and the risks on your side is barely
minimal because hundreds of claims are filed everyday at the claims and
deposits departments so it’s not an unusual practise that may raise
eye-brows I
am the only one who knows of this situation, good fortune has blessed you with
a name that has planted you into the center of relevance in my life. Let?s
share the blessing.
If you find yourself able to work with me, contact me through this same email
account. I do not particularly know you so I would wait on your response to
judge your level of transparency and honesty need not you disappear after the
money gets into your coffers with a level of understanding between us I will
start the initiation of this process towards a conclusion. I do not want you
contacting me through my official phone lines nor do I want you contacting me
through my official email account as this transaction will not be done under
the clock of my employer.
Contact will be through my personal numbers and also through this email
address; same could apply to you if you wish. My official lines are not secure
lines as they are periodically monitored to assess our level of customer care
in line with our Total Quality Management Policy. A very dear friend of mine
and university classmate Mr. Michael Soden of Bank Of Ireland had to quit his
job in May when unethical material was found on his office computer during a
routine maintenance of his machine and the results of the internal
investigation were leaked to the local press seriously denting his
career after
all the service, good work and sacrifice he had given the industry.
Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a family
man, I have wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of
doubt as to what the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured
is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter
of gold. This is the one truth I have learnt from my private banking clients.
Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should plan a
meeting soon. Please do get back to me if you have interest with the following
email: markwildman2008@gmail.com.
I await your response.
Mark Wildman.
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10-01-09, 18:59
دوست عزیز
این یه نوع بخت آزمایی اینترنتی اگه راست باشه راستش هر چه من هم جستجو و ارسال ایمیل براشان میکنم نه تونستم قانع بشم و نه تونستم رد کنم و لی به نظر من مشه اگه بتونیم با بانک LA CAIXA ارتباط برقرار کرد صحت و سقم حساب بانکی آن مشخص مشه انوقت تصمیم گیری راحته

10-01-09, 22:12
دوست عزیز
این یه نوع بخت آزمایی اینترنتی اگه راست باشه راستش هر چه من هم جستجو و ارسال ایمیل براشان میکنم نه تونستم قانع بشم و نه تونستم رد کنم و لی به نظر من مشه اگه بتونیم با بانک LA CAIXA ارتباط برقرار کرد صحت و سقم حساب بانکی آن مشخص مشه انوقت تصمیم گیری راحته

متاسفانه سایت بانک به زبان اسپانیایی بود من نتونستم چیزی پیدا کنم... اگر بشه Info بانک رو پیدا کرد باز می شه سوال کرد... :wink:

11-01-09, 09:54

اینا یه مقدار مطلب درباره اون بانکه :

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یکی از معتبر ترین بانک های اینترنتی جهانه و همین میتونه باعث بشه که از اسمش سواستفاده کنند!

11-01-09, 09:59
سلام به همه دوستان...

می دونم من خودم هرکی به من می گفت می گفتم کشکه! کلاه برداریه... ولی خودم به یه مورد بر خوردم که تا آلان درست از آب دراومده...

کوتاه می کنم!
یه E-mail اومد واسم که "MICROSOFT WINDOWS AWARD"

منم e-mail زدم که چرا؟؟ چی شده؟؟ اگه راست می گی چه جوری پولو می تونم بگیرم؟؟؟:1. (27):

بعد 3-4 روز جواب اومد که

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your e-mail, and to confirm the validity of the winning notification which you received from the Microsoft Annual Award Promo. Be informed that your winning digit code have been verified, and you have been approved to receive the sum of $1,500,000.00 Dollars (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars), as the new winner of the last email award promo draw.

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid Bank wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category. Be informed that this lottery promotion was conducted through the worldwide Internet web, the participants and winners where picked randomly through a computer ballot system and so you have been picked as one of the lucky winners having registered your yahoo id as a user of Microsoft and our bank has been mandated to remit the winning sum of One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to you .

Be informed that presently all prices are domiciled in the Automated Suspense Account (A S A). This is to enable the bank and the organisers of this program to monitor the transfers of funds to beneficiaries to avoid double claim or mix up on the transfer of funds.
To begin your claaims, you are to open a non-resident account with our bank so that your funds can be transferred from our automated suspense account into your bank account with us, and subsequently your funds will be further transfered to any designated bank account of your choice. Meanwhile, your award funds will remain with us and in the Automated Suspense Account of (ASA) pending on when a non-resident account is opened for the transfer of funds to you. However, these measures are standard financial regulations by the European Central Bank (E.C.B) since the commencement of the global fight against terrorism and the enactment of the new anti-money laundry acts. This is also in line with the European law guiding all financial institutions in an attempt to curb unlawful tempering of funds.

خلاصه کنم که انگار email من توسط microsoft قرعه کشی شده منم برنده شدم!!!

حالا به اینا کار نداریم... یه فرم ایجاد اکانت بانکی هم ضمیمه بود از LA CAIXA BANK MADRID BANK

به هر حال واسه رو کم کنی هم که شده بود پر کردم فرستادم همراه با کپی گواهی نامه!! پاسپورت ندارم...

بازم بعد از 2 روز جواب اومد که

The entire member of Staff of La Caixa Bank Madrid wish to congratulate you for being one of the lucky winner's from the first category.
According to the Spanish law act 13\26 section 7 of 1999 constitution guiding international transfers which says that funds well over the sum of €200,000.00 (Two Hundred Thousand Euros) must attract a legalisation fee of 0.1% of the total value.

You are hereby adviced to pay the Legalisation Fee of $920.00, for onward transfer of your winning price of $1,5000,000.00. Fee must be paid from your Iranian private bank Only to our Bank office in SPAIN before or on the 22nd of Dec 2008..

یه شماره حساب هم داده گفته هزینه ترنسفر رو واریز کنید و رسید رو فاکس کنید به یه شماره ای...


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355
IBAN NUMBER: ES10 2100 5636 6620 0000 4355

Send payment slip information to the following contact as soon as possible for the opening of your account in your name with our paying bank via Fax: +34-911-817-341

به هر حال من جدی نگرفتم ولی تا اینجا که درست بوده! این هزینه ترنسفر هم می دونم که هست ولی چه طور می شه مطمئن شد...؟؟؟

در ضمن دوستان من متن کامل رو نذاشتم نکاتی که فکر کردم مهم بود رو گذاشتم... email های آخر هر کدوم 1 صفحه بود... اگه احتیاج بود می ذارم...

در کل اگر راهنمایی کنین چه طور می شه مطمئن شد راسته یا کلاهبرداریه ممنون می شم...:11():

اینم شات فرم بانکی که فرستاده بودن...

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با سپاس... :1. (21):

دوستان عزيز ، خيلي مواظب اين جريانها باشيد. اولين ايميل اين مدلي حدود 6 سال پيش واسه من اومد. من حساب هم باز كردم. حتي دوستم كه زبانش خوبه به شركتي كه داراي امضاي جهاني بود تماس گرفت و ظاهرا همه چيز OK بود. اما بعد از گذراندن و ارسال تمام موارد درخواستي ، اونها گفتن 85 يورو بفرست بياد واسه بيمه پولي كه مي خوايم برات بفرستيم. منم از اونا زرنگتر گفتم كه ار اصل 1000000$ كم كنيد بقيشو بفرستيد. اونا گفتن به اصل پول دست نمي شه بزني و ...
نهايتا نتيجه اين شد:
اين شركتهاي دزد و ح ر ا م زاده مي دونن كه بحران اقتصادي در خاور ميانه زياد هست و به همين دليل جوانها دنبال پولهاي باد آورده هستن. در همين راستا مي دونن اسامي ايميل اين افراد بيشتر عربي است(مثل Reza , Ali و ...) به همين دليل اين ايميلها را يافته و واسه اينا مي فرستنو پس از اينكه خوب باهاتون بحث كردن و دهنتون رو آب انداختن مي گن فلان مبلغ(هر چند جزئي) رو جهت ... بفرستيد به حسابشون و اگر كسي احمق بشه و بفرسته ديگه هيچ اثري بعدش از شركت و يا فردي جوابگو نخواهد ديد.
جالب اينكه بعد از اونم با ايميلهاي خيلي رسني و ... سعي كردن بازم مخ منو بزنن اما ديدن نميشه و ديگه مدتي است نمي فرستن.
مي دونين دوستان اگر از بين ميلياردها ايميلي كه اينا مي زنن 10000 تاش هم جواب بده چه پولي به جيب مي زنن.
هم وطنان عزيز خيلي مراقب باشيد كه خامتون نكنن و از سادگي ما ايرانيا سوء استفاده نشه. واسه همتون آرزوي موفقيت مي كنم.

22-01-09, 00:19
دوست عزیز این ایمیل هم برای من امده هر چه پیش رفتم تا حالا درست بوده ولی حالا نمی دانم پول به حسابشون بریزم یا نه در کل این ایمل مثل ایمیلهای دیگه نیست من تو قرعه کشی انها شرکت کردم حالا اگه شما نتیجه گرفتی به این ایمیل ما را هم خبر کن که از دستمان نپره babak643121@yahoo.com

22-01-09, 00:32
دوست عزیز این ایمیل هم برای من امده هر چه پیش رفتم تا حالا درست بوده ولی حالا نمی دانم پول به حسابشون بریزم یا نه در کل این ایمل مثل ایمیلهای دیگه نیست من تو قرعه کشی انها شرکت کردم حالا اگه شما نتیجه گرفتی به این ایمیل ما را هم خبر کن که از دستمان نپره babak643121@yahoo.com

دوست عزیز هیچ پولی نریز... به هیچ وجه!
اگر در خارج از کشور آشنا داری از طریق اونها پرس و جو کن!

در کل همشون کلاه برداری محسوب می شن...!!

این یکی خیلی جالبه! هنوزم که هنوزه هر از گاهی ایمیل می زنیم! احوال پرسی می کنیم!
می پرسه پول جور نشد!! می گم که نه هنوز...
برمی گرده می گه باشه عجله ای در کار نیست هر وقت جور شد بفرست...!!!:1. (27):

کلی دوست شدیم با هم...!!!:1. (38):

اینا از اعتبار بانک LA CAIXA که یکی از مشهورترین بانک های اسپانیا هست سواستفاده کردن! حتی واسم فرم افتتاح حساب فرستادن...!!

در کل همشون کلاهبرداری هستند... می تونی تحقیق کنی ولی پولی واریز نکن...:great:

موفق باشید...:11():

22-01-09, 02:32
از این میلهای قشنگ من زیاد دارم هر سایتی میرفتم ایمیل خودم رو میدادم و همیشه روزی 2 بار برنده بودم!!!

22-01-09, 14:11
دوستان مگه 1.5 میلیون دلار پول کمیه . ؟ که اینها همینطوری به ادم بدن . من فکر میکنم که اینها فقظ ای میلها رو برای ایرانیها و کشورهای جهان سوم میفرستن . چون میدونن اینجا چه خبره .

خوب کاری نداره من اگر بودم بهشون میگفتم نیم میلیون مال شما و من پولی واریز نمیکنم شما باقیشو برام بفرستید . چی بهتر از این برای اونها اگر واقعیه بند دیگه :1. (38):

22-01-09, 14:25
دوستان مگه 1.5 میلیون دلار پول کمیه . ؟ که اینها همینطوری به ادم بدن . من فکر میکنم که اینها فقظ ای میلها رو برای ایرانیها و کشورهای جهان سوم میفرستن . چون میدونن اینجا چه خبره .

خوب کاری نداره من اگر بودم بهشون میگفتم نیم میلیون مال شما و من پولی واریز نمیکنم شما باقیشو برام بفرستید . چی بهتر از این برای اونها اگر واقعیه بند دیگه :1. (38):
بله آقای حسینی عزیز...
واقعا همین طوره که شما گفتین...

کلی واسه من دلیل مدرک آوردن!! طبق قوانین بانکی اسپانیا برای انتقال وجه یک مقدار مالیات تعلق می گیره! از 200,000 $ به بالا...
منم دقیقا همین رو گفتم که همین 200 تا رو واسه من بفرستین کافیه که مالیات هم نخواد...!!! باقیشو می ذارم تو بانک شما بمونه...:1. (27):

ولی به هیچ وجه زیر بار نرفتن و نمی رن!!
حتی گفتم که 1000 دلار هزینه ترنسفر رو بهم قرض بدین من از پولی که برنده شدم پس می دم!! حتی بیشترم می دم...!! ولی بازم جواب منفی بود...

هنوزم که هنوزه باهم تماس داریم!! سال نو رو بهشون تبریک گفتم...!!!:1. (38):

خلاصه داستانی شده واسه خودش!! دوستای خوبی پیدا کردم... :lol:

24-01-09, 18:50
اندر باب همین موضوع :great:

شما برنده اید! (در باب ایمیل های جعلی خطرناک)

قضیه از این قرار هست که ایمیلی با مضمون برنده شدن در یک قرعه کشی آنلاین دریافت می شه و در پروسه دریافت جایزه شما باید مبلغی رو به حساب فردی واریز کنید تا جایزه رو براتون بفرستند و بعد از ارسال مبلغ ناگهان همه چی به هیچی!
البته خیلی از شما ها این قضیه رو می دونید و بی شک چندین بار از این ایمیل ها دریافت کردید، ولی هستند یکسری افرادی که نگاه ساده لوحانه ای به این قضیه دارند. یا یکسری افرادی که اطلاعات کافی در این زمینه ندارند و یا حتی افرادی که اینترنت را یک دنیای بدور از دروغ و جعل می دانند و لذا همواره آسیب می بینند. در این پست من ماهیت این نوع ایمیل ها رو بررسی می کنم و راهکارهایی رو برای پیشگیری از این اتفاقات برای همه اونهایی که به نوعی آسیب پذیر هستند ارائه می دم.

Only the registered members can see the link

ما دو نوع کاربر اینترنت داریم، یکسری که دائم آنلاین هستند و به قول یکی از دوستان خود اینترنتن! این قشر عزیز معمولا از تمام سوراخ سنبه های اینرنت خبر دارند و خیلی کم گول می خورن.
قشر دیگه افرادی هستند که هفته ای یکبار اون هم با هزار بار مشورت با دوستشون و اجبار و الزام دوستشون که تورو خدا رو کاغذ مراحل وصل شدن به اینترنت رو کامل با جزئیات بنویس، بعدش هم می رن به یه خدمات کامپیوتری و می گن “آقا از اون کارتها که باهاشون به اینترنت وصل می شن یکی لطفا بدید” و بعدش کارت رو می یارن خونه و با احتیاط لاک روش رو با کلیدشون پاک می کنند و از رو کاغذی که دوستشون بهشون داده مراحل رو دنبال می کنند و نهایتا وصل می شن به اینترنت. (خیلی از ماها زمانی اینطوری بودیم!).

خلاصه این دسته وارد سایت یاهو و قسمت ایمیل می شن. نام کاربری و پسور خودشون رو هم از تو دفتری که تو کشو میزشون هست استخراج می کنند و خلاصه لاگین می شن به inbox یاهو. تازه ترین و جذاب ترین ایمیلی که رسیده، عنوانی بسیار جذاب داره! ” Congratulation, You have won $1000000″ . اینجاست که رنگ از رخسار کاربر می پره و فوری ایمیل رو باز می کنه. با انگلیسی دست و پا شکسته و به کمک یک دیکشنری نهایتا متوجه می شه که ستاد قرعه کشی بریتانیا یه قرعه کشی انجام داده و ایمیل ایشون از بین هزاران ایمیل انتخاب شده. در ته ایمیل هم ذکر شده که هرچه زودتر با ما تماس بگیرید و مشخصات خودتون رو برامون بفرستید. ادامه بحث رو از روی یک قضیه ای که واقعا اتفاق افتاده و باعث شد که یکی از دوستان 500 دلار رو همینجوری الکی باد کنه! . این دوست ما اطلاعات خودش رو می فرسته! چند ساعت بعد یک ایمیل حاوی تصویر اسکن شده از پاسپورت وکیلی که واسطاین دوست ما با ستاد قرعه کشی بود براش ارسال می شه.

دوست ما هم پاسپورت خودش رو اسکن می کنه و حساب Draft رو که تو بانک ملی قابلیت انتقال حواله جات رو بصورت بین المللی داره براشون ارسال می کنه. تا اینجا همه چیز به نحو احسنت پیش می ره. نهایتا ایمیلی می رسه که جایزه ای که گرفتید رو ما باید مالیاتش رو بدیم دولت بریتانیا، لذا به این شماره حساب مبلغ 500 دلار بفرستید تا تمام مراحل اداری به اتمام برسه و تا ده روز جایزه شما برسه دستتون. این دوست ما هم که از هیچ جا بی خبر، 500 دلار رو که شاید سرمایه ماهها تلاش و کارش بود و پس انداز کرده بود رو همینجوری الکی از طریق Draft به گمونم حواله می کنه. و روز دهم هیچ خبری از جایزه نمی رسه. این دوستمون شروع به ارسال ایمیل می کنه و قضیه رو پیگیری می کنه که دیگه هیچ پاسخی دریافت نمی کنه. می آد پیش ما پریشون و غمگین که ما هم بهش می گیم که داداش فاتحه 500 دلارت رو بخون که دیگه از دست برفت!

دوستانی که احساس می کنند امکان داره این بلا سر اونها هم بیاد باید بدونند که این نوع ایمیل ها بطرق خیلی متفاوت و جذاب ارسال می شه. یه نمونه دیگه اش هم که دوستم در مرحله آخر اومد پیشم و نذاشتم پول رو ارسال کنه، یک مرد ثروتمندی در عراق بود که می خواست دارایی خودش رو به این ببخشه چون همه فرزندان و اقوامش در جنگ کشته شده بودند و امثالهم که حتما شما هم بارها دریافت کرده اید. این ایمیل ها در اصل بصورت اسپم برای تعداد وسیعی کاربر ارسال می شه، تصور کنید در هر ارسال یک میلیونی، فقط یک نفر مثل اون دوست ما به دام اینها بیفته. هیچ ماهیت یا شناسه ای برای پیگیری نیست.

خیلی ها گمون می کنند که چون دیگه الان همه اینترنت بلدن و واسه خودشون ایمیل دارن! دیگه گول اینها رو نمی خورن، اما نکته ای که شایان ذکر هست اینه که با افزایش تعداد کاربر، روش های جعل و ارسال اسپم هم افزایش پیدا می کنه، و روز به روز شاهد و شنونده اخباری هستیم که این مال باختگان رو به تصویر می کشه.