در این تاپیک میتوانید آخرین نسخه این نرم افزار را دریافت کرده و در مورد آن بحث کنید
آخرین نسخه : GPUz 0.45
دانلود آخرین نسخه از سرور شهرسخت افزار (Only the registered members can see the link)
24-10-07, 22:13
برنامه بسیار خوبی مهراد جان :great:
اینم از کارت بنده
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29-10-07, 15:39
عزيزم توي مركز دانلود شهر سخت افزار روي سرور خودمون آپ شد !
قربانت شهريار
29-10-07, 16:57
اینم 8400 من :
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29-10-07, 18:57
آرش جان چند گرفتیش؟
30-11-07, 12:41
نظر دوستان در مورد این کارت چیه ؟
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30-11-07, 13:10
دوستان عزيز نسخه 0.1.0 را از اينجا دانلود كنيد :
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موفق باشيد
30-11-07, 20:53
آرش جان چند گرفتیش؟
ببخشید که دیر جواب دادم
چون توی این انجمن پستهای تازه برام میل نمیشه سریع متوجه پستهای شما نمیشم
من این رو مهر ماه خریدم 57 تومن
30-11-07, 21:19
بچه ها ما من چطوره؟؟
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01-12-07, 14:48
نظر دوستان در مورد این کارت چیه ؟
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کارت خوبیه ولی بستگی داره کی و به چه قیمتی خریدینش ؟
اردلان جان کارت شما هم در زمان خودش غولی بود !
اما الان دیگه نمیشه ازش انتظار زیادی داشت
01-12-07, 14:56
دوستان نسخه ی جدید هم اومده :
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01-12-07, 15:01
اینم از کارت گرافیک بنده :
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01-12-07, 18:03
کارت خوبیه ولی بستگی داره کی و به چه قیمتی خریدینش ؟
مهراد جان تقریبا یکماهی هست که گرفتمش با قیمت 188000 تومان
الآن نمیدونم چنده ولی اون موقع به نسبت ایسوز 30-40 تومن ارزونتر بود
با تحقیقات و بنچ مارکهایی که از این دو نوع برد دیدم اختلافشون بسیار کم بود
و به همین خاطر XFX رو انتخاب کردم
البته تو تستهایی که از این کارت گرفتم خداروشکر بسیار عالی جواب داده
فقط درایورش نیاز به آپدیت داره
امیدوارم که انتخاب خوبی کرده باشم استاد :1. (37):
سپاس :1. (23):
02-12-07, 00:30
اینم مال من
فکر کنم از همه افتضاح تره
تقریبا مثل 7100 مهدی هست (ولی خیلی افتضاح تر)
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02-12-07, 15:54
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دوستان اين كارت الان 46 تومنه ... (Ex-Byte)
02-12-07, 17:37
شهریار جان کارت خودته؟
بردش مثل منه (فکر کنم دیگه اشغال تر این بردی نیست)
02-12-07, 21:05
شهریار جان کارت خودته؟
بردش مثل منه (فکر کنم دیگه اشغال تر این بردی نیست)
GPU هر دو پايشون يكي هست ولي كارت بنده كمي بهتر هست ضمن اينكه PCI-E هست .
اگه دوستاني مثل امپراطور عزيز يا كساني كه 6200TC دارند (PCI-E )هم با اين نرم افزار اسكرين شات بگذارند ممنون ميشم .
02-12-07, 21:05
مهراد جان تقریبا یکماهی هست که گرفتمش با قیمت 188000 تومان
الآن نمیدونم چنده ولی اون موقع به نسبت ایسوز 30-40 تومن ارزونتر بود
با تحقیقات و بنچ مارکهایی که از این دو نوع برد دیدم اختلافشون بسیار کم بود
و به همین خاطر XFX رو انتخاب کردم
البته تو تستهایی که از این کارت گرفتم خداروشکر بسیار عالی جواب داده
فقط درایورش نیاز به آپدیت داره
امیدوارم که انتخاب خوبی کرده باشم استاد :1. (37):
سپاس :1. (23):
بله انتخاب خوبی بوده ...
راستی حتما درایورش رو آپدیت کنید (سایت انویدیا)
03-12-07, 23:16
این هم از کارت بنده :1. (37): :
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البته تا خرخره اورکلاک شده و کاملآ هم stable هست .
البته GPU به اندازه 0/1 ولت مد شده ، البته چون دما تا 98 درجه هم میره باید یه کولینگ
درست و حسابی براش بگیرم . :cool:
05-09-08, 18:55
8800 XFX
27-12-08, 18:05
یک شوخی کوچیک با GPU-Z !!
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به اسم کارت گرافیک دقت کنید! :lol:
27-12-08, 18:16
اینم گرافیک درپیت ما : 8500 GT :lol:
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27-12-08, 18:48
اینم ماله منه
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27-12-08, 18:51
اینم مال من :
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07-01-09, 00:41
GPU-Z 0.3.1
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Only the registered members can see the link
اپدیت ها:
Fixed crash on systems without NVAPI (Win 2K, old NV drivers)
Optimized RV770 BIOS reading code for speed (faster application startup)
Improved voltage reading code for recent ATI cards
Added support for fan speed monitoring on ForceWare 180.xx and up
Added voltage monitoring for NVIDIA (GT200)
Changed reading method for RV770 sensors, fixes race conditions with other software and on-board fan control
NVIDIA 9800 GTX+ listed as 55nm now
Added support for Intel Q43/Q45
Added support for NVIDIA Quadro FX 4700 X2, GTX 295, GTX 285
Added preliminary support for NVIDIA GT212, GT214, GT215, GT216, GT218
07-01-09, 20:38
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19-02-09, 14:47
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Only the registered members can see the link
GPU-Z v0.3.2
اپدیت ها
Clock reading on ATI cards fixed
GT200b is now detected as 55 nm
Added detection for GeForce GT 120, GT 130, GT 130M, FX 5200, 9400 GT, 9600 GSO 512, FX 2700M, 9500 GS, Quadro FX 540M, Quadro FX 3700M, 9650M GT, Quadro FX 370M, 9400 IGP, 9300 IGP, 8200M G
Added support for S3 Chrome 500 Series
Added new ATI logo
Fixed screen corruption during screenshot of sensors tab
Added support to show lowest, highest and average reading on sensors tab (click on sensor value to switch)
Fixed number of texture units on RV730
Fixed Catalyst version reading
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19-02-09, 23:40
بهترین برنامه برای مشخصات کل سیستم شما tuneup 2007 or tuneup 2008 از این برنامه دیگه کاملتر
واقعا" نیست
19-02-09, 23:48
بهترین برنامه برای مشخصات کل سیستم شما tuneup 2007 or tuneup 2008 از این برنامه دیگه کاملتر
واقعا" نیست
بهترین گزینه هم برای برنامه نویسی حتما Notepad هست !!
20-02-09, 00:53
Default Clock
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Over Clocked
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24-09-09, 23:43
TechPowerUp GPU-Z v0.3.5 (ورژن جدید) :cool:
19-11-09, 10:36
TechPowerUp GPU-Z v0.3.6
MD5 Hash: 024C2CEB4B9B4F6A74CB1A9B0A22FE52
تغییرات این ورژن :
Added Infotips, they can be turned off in the system menu
Added preliminary support for ATI Radeon HD 5900 (Hemlock), HD 5600 (Cedar), HD 5300 (Redwood)
Added full support for HD 5850, HD 5770, HD 5750
GPU-Z no longer crashes on ATI ULPS enabled CrossFire configurations
Fillrate Pixel, Fillrate Texel, Memory Bandwidth will now correctly recalculate when clocks change
Bus Interface, ATI shader count is now periodically refreshed
Added support for HD 5850 voltages
Second voltage on HD 5870 correctly named VDDCI
ATI clock reading code fixed
Fixed default clock reading on HD 5850
Added Mutex to avoid collisions on long I2C operations
Added basic detection for a lot of NVIDIA card fakes (NV41 sold as 9800 GT etc..)
Added detection for ATI FireGL V7600, M92, RS880
Added detection for NVIDIA GT 130, 9600 GE, Tesla C1060, G 220, GT 220, NVS 3100, GTS 160 M, NVS 160M, NVS 150M, G105M, GT 240M, G105M, G210M, G310M, ION LE
Fixed die size and transistor count on G72 M
20-11-09, 20:52
GPUz 0.3.7
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تغییرات این ورژن
- Added Infotips for sensors
- Fixed crash when ATI ULPS CrossFire enabled
- Added full support for ATI HD 5970 (Hemlock)
- Added full support for NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 (GT215)
- Added "ULPS active" note to CrossFire status when ULPS active
- Fixed overclocks via CCC not showing correctly
- Added checkboxes to show availability of CUDA, PhysX, OpenCL and DirectX Compute
- Improved memory type detection for GT 216, GT 218
- Added voltage monitoring support for HD 5770
- Disconnected fan now shows correctly in sensors (when detectable via hardware)
- Improved accuracy of ATI GPU load monitoring
- Added detection for ATI RV380/RV530 cards relabeled to NVIDIA 9400/9500/9600 GT
- Added support for NVIDIA 9300 SE, NVS450, GT 240, GTS 250M, G102M
- Added support for Intel G41
دانلود این نسخه (Only the registered members can see the link)
:1. (35):
20-11-09, 23:18
مرسی دوست عزیز
02-12-09, 09:58
GPUz 0.3.8
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- Added framework for translations in GPU-Z
- Added sensors to monitor GPU load percentages on NVIDIA
- Fixed startup on Windows 2000 (DLL not found)
- Improved detection/added sensors for ATI M86
- Fixed several NVAPI crashes
- Fixed crash when PhysX not available
- GPU-Z can now be set in its system menu to be always on top of other windows
دانلود این نسخه (Only the registered members can see the link)
:1. (35):
19-12-09, 19:33
سلام ...
اینم مال من :
من crossfire یدونه 5970 و یدونه 5870 بستم :
* Added localized tooltips in the languages: AM, AR, BG, CN, DE, FA, FR, IT, PT, RS, RU, TR, UA. Default language is your system language, you can change this setting in the system menu of GPU-Z.
* Added support for ATI HD 5830, HD 5770, HD 5750, HD 5670, HD 5570, HD 5450, HD 4860, HD 4750, Mobility HD 3430, M97, Mobile HD 5850, 5730, 5650, 5470 (Broadway, Madison and Park)
* Added support for NVIDIA GeForce 6200A, GTS 250, 9800S, 205, 310, GT 320, GT 240, GTS 360M, 230M, 330M, 240M, G105M, Quadro NVS170M, G210M, GTS 250M, future MCP, more ION variants.
* Added support for Intel GMA500, Clarkdale, Arrandale
* Added detection for variants of NVIDIA NV41, G94, G98, ATI RV350, RV370, R480, RV515. Most of them used on fake cards relabeled to NVIDIA 9x00 series.
* Improved default clock BIOS parsing on NVIDIA
* Fix for incorrect default clocks on HD 5000 Series
* Fixed incorrect real-time clock monitoring on some HD 5000 cards
* Added more accurate real-time clock monitoring function for NVIDIA
* Improved OpenCL detection on ATI R700, RV790, all HD 5000 cards
* Added temp. monitoring support for some Intel IGPs
* Improvements to CUDA detection
* Removed memory chip input fields from VGA BIOS Upload
دانلود نسخه ی 0.39 ( سرور شهرسخت افزار ) (Only the registered members can see the link)
27-03-10, 17:44
TechPowerUp GPU-Z 4.0
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Added support for Intel Pineview
Fixed double memory clock reading on NVIDIA w/ GDDR5
Memory bandwidth calculation uses GB now instead of GiB
Added support for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 and GTX 480
Added voltage monitoring for HD 5750, 5830, 5870 Lightning
Added New Hardware Giveaway tab in Cooperation With ASUS
Added Tooltip Translations for Albanian and Chinese Traditional
Fixed Rounding errors in RV7xx and Evergreen fan Monitoring code
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
08-04-10, 20:47
TechPowerUp GPUz 4.2
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Fixed an issue on all NVIDIA cards that would sometimes cause them to lose fan control when GPU-Z is running.
Fixed system crash on MSI HD 5830 TwinFrozr II.
Validation upload now uses Unicode for entered name
Reverted memory bandwidth calculation introduced in last version.
It introduces too much confusion, we will go with what all companies use in their marketing material, even though we believe it is not correct.
Using power of 10 again now, 1 GB/s = 1,000,000,000 Bytes per Second.
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
20-08-10, 15:58
TechPowerUp GPUz 4.5
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Fixed ROP count on AMD Redwood
Fixed shader count on NVIDIA GTX 460, added die size & transistors
Added support for ATI FirePro V7800, ATI IGP 320M, ATI FireGL X1, ATI HD 4200 variants
Added launch on Windows startup function accessible via system menu and supporting UAC
Autoupdater will not check for update when no Internet connection detected
Screenshot detection that promotes GPU-Z's own screenshot upload feature
Sensor data collection limited to 6 hours of data per sensor (~250 KB)
Fixed browser not starting correctly from autoupdater
Shortened Clevo PCI vendor name
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
05-09-10, 08:27
TechPowerUp GPUz 4.6
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Added MSI hardware giveaway
Fixed temperature readings getting stuck on ADT7473 sensor (GTX 400 cards)
Fixed broken BIOS reading on all cards
General improvements to Intel support, still far from perfect
Added support for ATI FirePro V8750
Added support for GeForce GTS 455, GTS 450, GT 440, GT 430, GT 420, GT 330, GT218 based ION, GTX 470M, GTX 460M, GT 445M, GT 435M, GT 425M, GT 420M, GT 415M, GeForce 310M
Added basic detection for AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series
Improved handling for unknown NVIDIA cards
Added fan RPM monitoring for NVIDIA cards
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
21-10-10, 21:28
TechPowerUp GPUz 4.7
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Improved support for AMD Radeon HD 6850 and HD 6870
Added support for NVIDIA GeForce GT 430, GT 420
Fixed default clock reading on Fermi architecture cards
Added voltage controller support for Colorful iGame GTX 460
Added PCI Vendor detection for Colorful
Added TMU count and die size for GF106
Synchronization mutexes are global now
Improved stability when running multiple instances of GPU-Z
(Only the registered members can see the link)Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
(Only the registered members can see the link) Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
04-12-10, 19:09
TechPowerUp GPUz 4.9
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Added support for GeForce GTX 570, GTX 460 SE
Added support for PCI-Express 3.0
Added PowerColor Giveaway
Added Colorfire PCI vendor ID
Added detection for AMD Radeon HD 6310, HD 6370
Fixed BIOS >64k reading on GF110
Added GT215 based GT 220
Fixed TMU count on GF104
Improved default clock reading on GeForce GTX 580
Better error handling for memory type detection code
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
14-12-10, 13:16
Sapphire 5570 1.0 GB DDR3
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28-12-10, 09:33
TechPowerUp GPUz 0.5.0
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Added full support for Radeon HD 6950 and HD 6970
Fixed TMU/Texture Fillrate rounding error on NVIDIA cards
Improved voltage monitoring support for GTX 570
Workaround for ATI OpenCL driver crashing GPU-Z on systems with NVIDIA cards
Fixed crash when driver version could not be read
Fixed crash when splash screen interrupted by message box
Download - SSA Server (Only the registered members can see the link)
Download - TechPowerup Server (Only the registered members can see the link)