مشاهده نسخه کامل : دكمه مداد گوشي براي گوشي هايي كه اين كليد رو ندارند ! Jbak ThePencil v1.5

07-05-08, 13:46
برخي گوشي ها مشكل نداشتن مداد رو دارند كه با اين برنامه مشكلشون حل ميشه

برنامه رو ساین کنید.....

Recently, Nokia seeks to remove from their models key "pencil" (also known as ABC, also known as Shift). At the same time, a lot of programs written from the calculation that the smartphone is key ABC

This program allows semulirovat pencil with the help of some other, unnecessary keys.

The difference from previous versions:
-- You can use many hardkornye keys (to switch off button, for example)
-- Hot keys can be set directly from the program

To set the desired button, run the program from the menu. Click on the desired key. Save for what you need to press the left soft. The text in the box should change to the Key X is pencil now