مشاهده نسخه کامل : Intel Larrabee GPU

19-03-08, 22:24
سلام دوستان با اجازه اساتيد اين بخش من باز ميكنم تا بحث و خبر مربوط به كد رمز يعني Larrabee GPU قرار دهيم.

خوب كمي از بحث خودم مي برم جلو :
اول بايد 2 چيز مشخص كنيم يهني فعلا معلوم نيست اينتل اين GPU به چه شكلي ميخواد عرضه كنه يعني اينكه ايا اين GPU ميخواد:
1. رو برد جدا گانه بزنه
2.ميخواد چند گرافيك مجتمع بر روي پردازنده خودش قرار بده كه بدون شك با همين اسم هم عرضه ميشه
البته شايدم بخواهد هر دو به انجام برسون كه به نظر من همين طور و اين ميشه گفت 100% با توجه به مشخصات كه تا الان داده شده :1. (26):

خوب براي اينكه اين موضوع بفهميم بايد ايستاد ببينم تا سال 2008 كه مدل سمپل اين كارت به نمايش گذاشته ميشه ديد

خوب حال ميخواهيم به بررسي قسمت هاي تشكيل شده ان بپردازيم
اول بگم كه واقعا با يك نسل كاملا جديد graphics رو به رو هستيم واقعا يك مولتي GPU ميشه ناميد كه داراي 16 core كه هر كدام قابليت هاي گوناگوني ميدن

Larrabee is a GPU, Physics
از اين متن ميشه فهميد كه يك پردازنده فيزيكي هم همراهش كه اين من فرض بر اين ميكنم كه يكي از 16 core باشه يعني 16 قابليت ها وهيمن طور از GPGPU هم پشتيباني به عمل مياد كه كار براي برنامه نويسان وطراحان گرافيك راحت ميكنه يعني ديگر نياز نيست مداوم از كدها API استفاده نمايند (تا اونجايي كه مدونم)

Intel is preparing to re-enter the GPU market with a bang. In secret underground facilities, Intel is developing a next generation graphics architecture called Larrabee. It may be based on x86 but with "mini-cores" that have the "smart" parts of CPU cores stripped out and extra vector units added. The cores just need to stream data, mostly vector data. It'll have many cores, more than CPUs. Each core will process multiple threads simultaneously.

Many Cores (16+)
Hyper-Threading (4 Threads Per Core)
1024-bit or 2048-bit Bidirectional Internal Ring Bus
Large Cache
GDDR5 Memory
PCI Express 2.0
Release Date: Q4 2008 or Q1 2009
The architecture will later (2010+) be integrated in some Intel CPUs.

پشتيباني هاي ان :
اول از همه كارت از دايركس 11 همچين مدل هاي اوليش از 10.1 هم پشتيباني داره
PCI Express 2-3 پشتيباني خواهد داشت البته مدل هاي اوليه از 2 وبه بعد 3
سرعت باورنكردي 1.7-2.5 GHz را براي Core خواهد داشت و به همراه 16-24 texture sampling units كه در سرعت انواع معادلات گرافيك تاثير باورنكردني خواهد داشت
در مدل هاي 45 و همچنين 32 نانومتري عرضه ميشود كه مقدار TDP 150W خواهند رساند البته مدل هاي فوق High-End ان
و اخر هم بگم كه يك مدل هم براي كنسل ها هم توليد خواهد شد

اين متن ها هم حتما بخوانيد خيلي مفيد هستن :

At IDF it was confirmed that Larrabee will be a discrete GPU for "high-end" graphics. The processor should also handle physics acceleration. Expect the Havok physics engine (now owned by Intel) to be optimized for Larrabee.

The plan is to have 45nm Larrabee in 2009, a 32nm update in 2010 with more cores, and a new GPU architecture in 2011.

Larrabee is not only for graphics/visualization.
منظورش اين كه Larrabee تنها يك گرافيك و تصويري نيست
كه در ادامه اين گفته :

Gelsinger said that Intel has begun planning products based on a highly parallel, IA-based programmable architecture codenamed "Larrabee." It will be easily programmable using many existing software tools, and designed to scale to trillions of floating point operations per second (Teraflops) of performance. The Larrabee architecture will include enhancements to accelerate applications such as scientific computing, recognition, mining, synthesis, visualization, financial analytics and health applications.

GPU, PhysicsPU, AIPU
Only the registered members can see the link (Only the registered members can see the link)

اين هم يك مطلب ديگه از سايت beyond3d
تيتر اين گفته

Larrabee: 16 Cores, 2GHz, 150W, and more
16 Cores : فكر كنم منظور اين كه 16 پردازش مي توانه انجام بده كه مربوط به همين قابليت هايي كه در بالا گفتم هست يعني 16 قابليت نه فقط گرافيك

متن اصلي :

It is amazing how much information is out there in the wild, when you know where to look. TG Daily has just published an article partially based on a presentation they were tipped off about, and which was uploaded on the 26th of April. It reveals a substantial amount of new information, which we will not focus on analysing right now, so we do encourage you to read it for yourself.

Page 1 discusses the possibility that Larrabee is a joint effort between NVIDIA and Intel, which we find unlikely, and is possibly just a misinterpretation of the recently announced patent licensing agreement between the two companies. Page 2 is much more interesting however, as they link to the presentation above and also uncover the hidden Larrabee PCB diagram on slide 16.
We would tend not to agree with most of the analysis and speculation provided by TG Daily, but it's still worth a good read along with the presentation, which we are very glad they uncovered. Especially interesting are slides 16, 17, 19, 24 and 31. That last one includes some very interesting and previously unknown information on Intel's upcoming Gesher CPU architecture (aka Sandy Bridge), which is aimed at the 32nm node in the 2010 timeframe. Larrabee, on the other hand, will presumably be manufactured on Intel's 45nm process but sport a larger die size.

19-03-08, 22:32
اين ها هم يك سري تصاوير كه من تا حدودي متوجه نميشم اساديد بايد نظر بدن :
Only the registered members can see the link

19-03-08, 22:36
Only the registered members can see the link

19-03-08, 22:37
Only the registered members can see the link

20-03-08, 01:12
اینی که در پست سوم دادید یعنی چی؟

اگر اشتباه نکنم در این عکس چهار gpu با رمهاشون و با همدیگه در ارتباطن ضمن اینکه با پل جنوبی هم رابطه دارن خوب این یعنی چهار هسته پردازشی؟!

با تشکر.

20-03-08, 07:00
اين gpu يا cpu سرور !!!!!!فكر كن بايد چيز ديوانه اي باشه.ما تو كف 8800 (حالا 9800 بماند) اون وقت اينا دارند يه نسل ...

20-03-08, 10:56
اینی که در پست سوم دادید یعنی چی؟

اگر اشتباه نکنم در این عکس چهار gpu با رمهاشون و با همدیگه در ارتباطن ضمن اینکه با پل جنوبی هم رابطه دارن خوب این یعنی چهار هسته پردازشی؟!

با تشکر.

عيد نو مبارك
خوب همين طور كه گفتم من خودم دقيقا تصاوير متوجه نميشم (اين اينتل كارهاش مشخص نيست) ولي به احتمال زياد يعني چهار پردازنده گرافيكي يعني Quad چون يك رابط PCI_EX 3.0 در تصوير
اين بايد اهل فن نظر بده

اين gpu يا cpu سرور !!!!!!فكر كن بايد چيز ديوانه اي باشه.ما تو كف 8800 (حالا 9800 بماند) اون وقت اينا دارند يه نسل ...

نه اصلا مربوط به سرور نميشه چون خونم براي PC‌ Gaming و دكستاپ و لپ تاپ و همچنين كنسول ها داره طراحي ميشه
براي سرور من تاحالا ازش خبري نديدم البته احتمالش زياد

20-03-08, 22:56
والا بیشتر شبیه سروره :1. (27):

21-03-08, 18:55
Intel shared with the rest of the world that it plans a massive support for the development community. Of course, it wants to tell the developers that Larrabee is the way to go.

Intel has already announced that it plans a massive software developer support kit and that its existing tools will support Larrabee marchitecture.

This doesn’t only affect the graphics side of the Larrabee; it also affects the Physics and science side of this multi-purpose multi-chip processor.

Intel told the world that Larrabee will support Visual computing tools and resources and at the same time it told the world that Larrabee will support both DirectX and OpenGL. The company also added that the developers were enthusiastic about Larrabee and told Intel that the tools are really nice and easy to use. Yeah, right.

07-04-08, 19:24
سلام دوستان تو اين چند روز كمي من بيشتر در اين پروژه نا معلوم اينتل تحقيق كردم و چند مقاله خودنم
تا از پروژه بيشتر سر بيارم
خواهش اگر دوستان اطلاعاتي دارند هم قرار بدن
خوب در اين به صورت كاملا روان توضيح داده شده كه اين پروژه چي
در اصل اين پروژه همون پروژه IGraphic برروي يك سي پي يو هاي nehalem
خوب ولي اصل موضوع Larrabee در اصل يك پردازنده است و جز اين سري به حساب در مياد اينتل در پروژه
ميخواد پردازنده هاي خودش به سيستم گرافيك كاملا قوي مجهز كنه به مخلوط با يك GPU يا به طور فني
"hybrid CPU and GPU chips " يا " CPU + GPU "
Larrabee ميشه گفت يك مولتي پروسس ناميد كه داراي 16 كور ناميد كه هر كدام قابليت هاي دارند.
همچنين گفته شده پردازنده گرافيكي داراي 2GHZ مقدار Core ان هست !!!
Larrabee جزو x86 به حساب مياد و به معني توليد براي تمامي سيستم ها موبايل ها - نوت بوك ها - دكستاپ ها و سرور ها و سيستم هاي شبيه سازي
در اخر هم بگم كه اين پروه با OpenGL, DirectX هماهنگ بوده و داراي قابليت ray-tracing (بلادرنگ)" يك نور رندريگ خاص " پشتيباني خواهد داشت

Intel looks to get into the graphics market in 2009, and in a big way

Next month heralds the 2008 Spring Intel Developer Forum in Shanghai, China. Pre-show briefings opened up with a quick mention on the status of Larrabee, Intel's upcoming graphics core (Only the registered members can see the link).

Larrabee differs significantly from AMD's Radeon and NVIDIA's GeForce processors. For starters, Larrabee is based on the x86 instruction set found in CPU architecture. Intel vice president Steve Smith emphasized that Larrabee is not just a GPU, but a multi-core die capable of any stream processing task.

Smith would not detail exactly how many cores reside on Larrabee, though early schematics from 2006 detail designs with 16 cores. Each in-order core is capable of operating in excess of 2 GHz.

Larrabee can apparently scale to several thousand cores, sharing much of the same research as Intel's Tera-scale project. In addition to the x86 approach, the company announced it will soon announce another SSE-like extension set, dubbed Advanced Vector Extensions. These extensions will likely be what separates Larrabee's x86 instruction set from the x86 instructions featured on Core 2 Duo and Phenom. Smith said Larrabee will support OpenGL, DirectX and ray-tracing instructions.

However, to much disappointment, Larrabee will not find a home on 45nm Nehalem processors, scheduled for an early 2009 launch. Smith said Larrabee samples will be ready in Q4 2008, with shipments in 2009, though the initial launch appears to be only for discrete computing.

Likely a fully integrated CPU design will not come until the next architecture redesign of Nehalem, codenamed Sandy Bridge (previously Gesher).

An Intel engineer tells DailyTech, "You have to walk before you can run." Walking, at Intel, means discretely connecting a much simpler GPU into the processor first.

Intel’s hybrid CPU and GPU chips are set to be released in two flavors, both of which will be based on the Nehalem CPU architecture. The first version, dubbed Havendale, will be a desktop chip, while the second version, dubbed Auburndale, will be a notebook chip.
Auburndale and Havendale will have two Nehalem cores paired with a graphics subsystem. The twin cores will share 4MB of L2 cache and feature an integrated dual-channel memory controller that supports memory configurations up to DDR3-1333.
The graphics subsystem will be initially derived from Intel’s G45 integrated graphics. This indicates that neither Auburndale nor Havendale will be for heavy graphics processing, but will be more of an integrated graphics replacement.
According to Intel roadmaps, the new processors are expected to enter the market in the first half of 2009. This beats out the expected time of arrival of AMD’s Fusion processors, which are planned to debut in the second half of 2009 (Only the registered members can see the link).

In the meantime, Smith promises the discrete Larrabee offerings will compete competitively with Radeon and GeForce offerings when its finally announced