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Prime95 (32bit) - 28.5 Download - EXTREME Overclocking (Only the registered members can see the link)
03-06-16, 16:34
Prime95 Version 28.9
به همراه نسخه 64 بیت (Only the registered members can see the link)
09-11-16, 13:41
Prime95 v.28.10
GIMPS - Free Prime95 software downloads - PrimeNet (Only the registered members can see the link)
15-04-17, 16:52
نسخه جدید منتشر شد : Prime95 29.1
Faster trial factoring for machines that support FMA (Haswell and later). Multi-threaded trial factoring now supports more than one thread sieving for small primes. Several tuning parameters added - see undoc.txt.
The portable library, hwloc, for analyzing a machine's topology is now used. This replaces the buggy code prime95 used to detect hyperthreading. It also eliminates the need for AffinityScramble2. Running a benchmark will output this topology information to results.txt.
AVX-512 trial factoring support added.
Dialog box for benchmarking added.
In the Test/Worker Windows dialog box you no longer choose how many threads each worker uses. Instead, you choose how many CPU cores each worker uses. There affinity options have been removed. There are two new options that will decide if each worker also uses hyperthreading.
28.10 (January 30th, 2017)
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15-04-17, 23:53
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لطفاراهنمایی کنید.
16-04-17, 16:27
لطفاراهنمایی کنید.
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Guide: Stability testing with Prime 95 - Overclocking.Guide (Only the registered members can see the link)
10-06-17, 16:45
نسخه جدید منتشر شد : Prime95 29.2
Throughput benchmarks of all FFT implementations are written to gwnum.txt. These benchmarks will then be used to pick the best FFT implementation to use. This can lead to minor performance improvements.
Benchmarks are run daily for any FFT sizes that will be needed within the next 7 days. Once enough benchmark data is accumulated, automatic benchmarks no longer take place.
Default FFT implementations for Ryzen added. 4) A few new FFT sizes (up to 50M) are enabled for FMA3-capable CPUs.
29.1 (March 27th, 2017)
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